Previous events

All previous events

A Virtual Tour of Chichester - Romans and Ruins

  • Thu 27 Jan 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
    • Nick Richmond, Guided Walking Tours in Brighton & Sussex

Join actor and tour guide, Nick Richmond, for a virtual tour around and beyond this walled Sussex city, known in Roman times as Noviomagus Reginorum. You will hear about the remains of the Roman walls around the city, the defensive weapons that the Romans used to defend them, the ancient British camp... and lots more!

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AF7 Pension Transfers January 2022

  • Thu 27 Jan 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    • John Trayner
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Reviewing Contracts for their Insurance Implications

  • Wed 26 Jan 10:30 am – 11:30 am
    • Diane Jenkins, Nick Thomas & Associates

This is an excellent opportunity to better understand how to review insurance contracts for their insurance implications - a service that is often requested by clients. The session explores the main issues typically found in contracts from both a broker and insurer viewpoint.

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AF1 Personal Tax and Trust Planning Revision January 2022

  • Wed 26 Jan 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    • John Trayner
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BI Regional Update

  • Thu 20 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Roland Romata, RR Compliance

We have all closely followed the BI Test case launched by the FCA late 2020, with the final judgment having been handed down on 15 January 2021. The outcome was clear and far-reaching. The case highlighted the ongoing exposure of insurance brokers who arranged the relevant policies (who should have by now reassessed their advice process under ICOBS, duty of care to clients). Now that the noise has settled, we will review how the industry acted on the findings and what (if any) other implications have emerged.

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Young Professionals: Writing your Development Plan

  • Mon 17 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Samantha Ridgewell, Empower Development

Attending courses and webinars is great for increasing knowledge. Learning, however, only begins in the classroom, it is how we use our knowledge in practice that impacts our career development. This session will guide you through the steps to identify your learning needs and take meaningful action to develop them.

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Navigating the hard cyber market

  • Thu 13 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Stephen Ridley, Hiscox UK

This session will look at the factors currently influencing the cyber market, and leading insurers to increase rates and tighten terms. It will give an insight in to claims trends, and how companies can best protect themselves; both from the impact of these changes, and from cyber risk more generally.

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J02 Trusts January 2022

  • Wed 12 Jan 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    • John Trayner
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R06 Financial Planning Practice January 2022

  • Tue 11 Jan 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    • John Trayner
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Redefining your Relationship with Stress

  • Tue 14 Dec 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Nick Bloy, Wellbeing Republic

Stress is ubiquitous and, to make matters worse, most of us are reminded on a regular basis that it’s bad for our health. Yet, the research findings are mixed. While stress can undermine both our physical and mental health, it can also enhance it. This webinar will explore why we may need to rethink the ‘stress is bad’ mantra that most of us have been brought up to believe. We’ll also look at how to redefine our relationship with stress to maximise performance and mental health, by identifying key skills to help see stress through a new lens.

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Vulnerable Customers

  • Tue 07 Dec 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

Alan Chandler, Chartered Insurer, will look at how firms have been treating customers unfairly including some disturbing case studies. The presentation will include how the FCA defines vulnerable customers, the measures all firms are expected to put in place and how the requirements on all firms have changed to make sure the most vulnerable are protected going forward.

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Forensic Investigation of Major Fire Losses

  • Thu 25 Nov 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Online
    • Ian Major, Hawkins

Using case studies focused on major fire losses, this webinar will provide an insight into the process of forensic investigation and how the findings can assist insurers, loss adjusters, lawyers and the courts in making decisions regarding recovery or repudiation. For each case, you will hear how the evidence was obtained and the outcome that the investigation led to.

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Utility extensions - a repeat of the pandemic expectation issues

  • Wed 17 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Damian Glynn, Sedgwick International

The FCA Test case showcased the range of different perceptions about the scope of disease cover. There are residual issues that are likely to litigate but we broadly know where we stand on the core issues. But misunderstandings about business extensions are not limited to disease covers – in particular, utility failure cover is provided generally on two fundamentally different bases (with a hybrid variant for good measure), threatens aggregation over a wide area if there were to be an extensive power outage, and would inevitably reveal misunderstandings about the extent to which the loss of internet sales might or might not be covered. In the light of the above, this session will explore aspects of a power outage scenario and highlight the potential for further disputes mirroring that over covid-19.

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Managing Conflict

  • Fri 12 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Michael Quigley, Kataholos

This session is designed for all employees, particularly those with customer service and customer care facing roles, and will cover techniques and approaches to manage conflict.

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M92 Revision Course - Business & Finance in Insurance

  • Tue 02 Nov 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler, Insurance Trainer

This M92 course is limited to 20 members and will be delivered over 2x three hour revision sessions which will cover all the main aspects of the CII diploma subject M92 business and finance module.

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MO5 Revision Course: Insurance Law

  • Tue 02 Nov 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This MO5 remote course is limited to 20 members and will be delivered over 2 three hour revision sessions which will cover all the main aspects of the CII diploma subject MO5 insurance law module.

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How to Identify Potential Recoveries & Not Miss an Opportunity - a Legal Perspective

  • Fri 29 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Claire Collings, BDB Pitmans
    • Jacqueline Dickinson, BDB Pitmans

Whilst working within a busy insurance industry it is all too easy for a recovery to be missed, evidence disposed of and the opportunity to recover money for insurers to be lost. This webinar will explain the legal bases required in order to pursue a successful claim and what you need to look out for in order to identify whether there is a potential recovery.

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Women’s Forum: Don’t be a passenger in your own career, take the driving seat

  • Thu 21 Oct 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Sandra Lewin

Do you pay attention to the opportunities around you? Do you ever feel discouraged to take a risk? Are you unsure of your career and what to do next? Do you seek change? Join Sandra Llewin for this insightful webinar to learn more about yourself and how to take the lead in your career.

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Cyber Security and Counter Fraud Controls

  • Tue 05 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Craig Wooldridge, IASME
    • Chris Pinder, IASME
    • Robert Brooker, PKF GM

This webinar is aimed at SMEs within the financial services and insurance sectors looking to improve their own cyber security and counter fraud controls. It will also be of interest to individuals that manage cyber security policies and claims on behalf of their customers and clients.

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AF4 Investment Planning Revision October 2021

  • Tue 05 Oct 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    • John Trayner
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Details of all of our planned events are shown above. Please click on the links for further information and online booking.

If you would like information about events being run by other local institutes, please click here to view the CII Events page or visit our neighbouring local institute websites for North Downs and Royal Tunbridge Wells.