Previous events

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Critical Thinking and Decision-making skills

  • Tue 18 Aug 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

Critical thinking is an essential skill that helps us to avoid inference or assumption. Both are dangerous when advising clients or making decisions. It is essential that decisions are made, and advice is given, based on evidence, observation and logic. This session will show you how to develop your critical thinking skills with the result that you will be able to make better decisions and gain confidence in sticking by the decisions you have made.

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M85 Claims Practice - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (2)

  • Tue 11 Aug – Tue 11 Aug
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M85 Claims Practice- DipCII Learning Assistance Programme - Advance Booking Necessary.

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Capacity for Loss

  • Tue 04 Aug 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
    • Rory Percival, Rory Percival Training & Consultancy

Capacity for loss remains one of the key areas where there is confusion and poor practice in the advice sector. In this session, Rory will cover what it is (and isn't) and correct some fundamental misunderstandings about how to address this topic.

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From criticism to collaboration : Communication strategies for resolving complaints - AFTERNOON

  • Wed 22 Jul 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

There is a big disparity between the levels of service most companies believe they deliver and their customers´ perceptions. The problem is that these days people don´t just complain through traditional channels such as at meetings, by email, telephone or letter. They now also complain via open digital channels like review sites and social media. A robust communication strategy in how to deal with such complaints is critical to reputation and business success.

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From criticism to collaboration : Communication strategies for resolving complaints - MORNING

  • Wed 22 Jul 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

There is a big disparity between the levels of service most companies believe they deliver and their customers´ perceptions. The problem is that these days people don´t just complain through traditional channels such as at meetings, by email, telephone or letter. They now also complain via open digital channels like review sites and social media. A robust communication strategy in how to deal with such complaints is critical to reputation and business success.

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M85 Claims Practice - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (1)

  • Fri 17 Jul – Fri 17 Jul
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M85 Claims Practice- DipCII Learning Assistance Programme - Advance Booking Necessary.

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How to understand and explain insurance policies in 5 easy steps

  • Fri 10 Jul 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

The insurance market is increasingly competitive and the policies sold are increasingly complex. New business is won and existing business is retained when insurance professionals are able to properly understand the products being sold and explain key features in clear and transparent language.

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The Insurance Charities Webinar

  • Wed 24 Jun 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

We'd like to invite you to a webinar we're hosting on Insurance Charities Awareness Day. The session will provide an introduction to the Charity, explain who we can help, and highlight the support we can offer during challenging times. You'll hear from a beneficiary and listen to some of our Trustees in the UK and Ireland speak about our work, including our partnerships with other charities. Attendees will also have the chance to ask questions to the panel at the end.

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Communicating with customers in difficult and uncertain times

  • Tue 23 Jun 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

The spread of COVID-19 has created difficult and uncertain times for customers and the insurance industry. Customer anxiety is heightened. The industry is under pressure. There are conflicting news stories about what insurance will or will not cover. Never has communication to customers been more important.

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Stockmarket Overview

  • Tue 23 Jun 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Join this live webinar where Brewin Dolphin’s Guy Foster, Head of Research and Paul Danis, Head of Macro Strategy - for this intriguing overview of the markets since the beginning of the covid-19 crisis.

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Does my BI policy cover Covid-19

  • Mon 15 Jun 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

The UK government said that by declaring Covid-19 a notifiable disease it would trigger Business Interruption policies so that they will cover any losses - we will explore whether this statement is correct.

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M93 Commercial Property & Business Interruption - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (4)

  • Fri 12 Jun – Fri 12 Jun
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M93 Commercial Property & Business Interruption - DipCII Learning Assistance Programme - Advance Booking Necessary.

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Trustee Investments

  • Thu 04 Jun 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Cathy Russell FPFS TEP, Canada Life

This webinar looks at trustee responsibilities and duties and highlights why people acting as trustees (including any professional connections – solicitors / accountants acting as trustees) should use financial advisers for investment advice and reviews. It looks at some case law and finishes up by looking at the tax treatment of the tree main types of trust – bare – interest in possession – discretionary, on the basis, if you were to give advice on trusts, you need to know what type of trust you are dealing with and how it will be taxed.

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July 2020 exam training

  • Thu 28 May – Thu 28 May

Financial Adviser Academy are offering training support via Zoom for candidates sitting AF1, AF5, AF7 and R06 . There are only 5 spaces available for each session and if you are a member of the Insurance Institute of Nottingham a subsidy of £50 will be paid on your behalf. It is a strictly first-come-first-served basis so book your place early by contacting Steve Davis (07785 373 127). To secure a place FAA will need your name, Email, Phone number and CII PIN. • Pre-course instructions and Zoom link will be sent upon booking and receipt of payment. • There will be approximately 1 hours’ worth of pre course work to do before each session. • Each session will have an appropriate number of comfort breaks. • Additional materials, past papers and exercises will be sent following completion of the course, plus access to the trainer for any queries right through to exam – we want you to pass!!

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M93 Commercial Property & Business Interruption - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (3)

  • Fri 15 May – Fri 15 May
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M93 Commercial Property & Business Interruption - DipCII Learning Assistance Programme - Advance Booking Necessary.

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Annual General Meeting 2020

  • Thu 07 May 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
  • Fothergills

Your local institute council will be holding its annual general meeting at the time and date shown. This year, with the problems brought about by the need to avoid large gatherings etc, we intend to organize a virtual meeting. If any member of the Nottingham Insurance Institute wishes to join the council or would like to chat with someone about what this would involve, please contact our Secretary, Helen Wilcox, by email at : . We run a series of CPD events, sports and social events, organize and co-ordinate the exam activity in the area as well as celebrating all of our member’s achievements at the annual dinner, which is held in January each year. We can only do all of this thanks to the great efforts of every member of council. We are always looking for new people and new ideas. Have you considered joining your local council? We have people on our council from the General Insurance and Financial Services sides of the CII, as well as representatives from the legal profession and our strength is in the diverse and committed team who work well together. If you would like to join, all you need to do is complete a nomination form and return it to Helen no later than 25th April 2020. It’s a great chance for you to bring new ideas and energy to the party!

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