
Exam bookings for 19th September 2022

Thu 15 Sep. 2022

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the State Funeral taking place on Monday, 19th September 2022 there will be changes to CII Group exam bookings that were due to take place that day.

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Fire! Risk and Revelations

Thu 1 Sep. 2022

The first online exhibition of the Insurance Museum launches with a bang this autumn, when Fire! Risk and Revelations goes live on 7th September. The launch coincides with the timing of the Great Fire of London – the event that was instrumental in highlighting the need for fire insurance, back at the end of the 17th century.

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DIVE IN 2022

Mon 22 Aug. 2022

DIVE IN is a global movement in the insurance profession to support the development of inclusive workplace cultures.

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In memory of Sam Boley 1950-2022

Mon 1 Aug. 2022

Sam came to Nottingham in the 1980's to a newly opened GAB Robins office. He immediately blended in with the Loss Adjusting community in the area and was well known for his quite manner and great attention to detail at work. He joined the NII council and he was President in 2001-2002. He moved to Birmingham for the later part of his career but remained a Loss Adjuster. He was a keen cyclist and did many a cycling event to raise money for various charities. A true gentleman and he will be missed by many.

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CII consultation - next steps

Thu 21 Jul. 2022

Today (21 July) the Chartered Insurance Institute has published a report detailing how they are future-proofing learning and ensuring membership is at the heart of all they do.

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Helen Wilcox Memorial Fund

Tue 19 Jul. 2022

We would like to thank every person who has kindly donated to Helen’s memorial fund, raising much needed money for Cancer Research UK, and we are delighted to say that we have raised a fantastic £1,892 to date in her honour. Helen would have been extremely proud of the generosity those who knew her have shown and The Nottingham Insurance Institute thanks you on her behalf.

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