
CPD at your fingertips........virtually!

Wed 1 Jul. 2020

It has been a busy couple of months recreating our offering so that we can still provide quality CPD sessions for the benefit of all our members. I have found myself becoming ever more involved in working out how to create access for the various software packages available for virtual meetings, which is quite a minefield!!!! We have now moved over to a full digital service and the event booking system is working well. Despite recent relaxing of certain restrictions, it seems clear that various social distancing rules and altered working practices will remain in place for some considerable time. We are also aware of several large organisations who have prohibited staff from attending events and gatherings. In consideration of this, we will continue with digital, rather than face-to-face, CPD events for the foreseeable future, although we remain committed to organising the physical seminars as soon as we feel confident that it is the right thing to do. Although this will obviously be a disappointment to some, we remain committed to delivering quality events, open to all, to support your learning and professional development. We started work on the syllabus for this year back in May, and we have organised a series of events to assist you with supporting customers. Their concerns and worries are drastically different in this new environment and providing them with the right information and support is vital for them. We are all in unchartered waters to a certain extent, and our dealings with our customers will need to change. We haven't forgotten the need for technical sessions as well, though, as it’s important that COVID-19 doesn’t control all our thinking, We are just finalising a couple of events which will fill the diary through to the end of November. I think we will then all deserve a break over the holiday period, but I will make sure we plan forward and there are events available for the New Year! Remember, we are doing everything possible to maintain a quality syllabus, relevant to the current situation and some of the sessions available have been specifically requested by our members, so if you think we’re missing something, let me know! Take a look at the CPD page on our web-site . It is regularly updated to keep you in the know!

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Changes to written examinations

Tue 16 Jun. 2020

The Chartered Insurance Institute is changing the way our exams are delivered!

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Tue 24 Mar. 2020

In light of the ongoing COVID19 situation we endeavor to maintain our education and social schedule where possible. Any cancelled events will be rescheduled for later in the year or be conducted digitally.

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Insurance Charities Awareness Week 2020 - Have you signed up?

Tue 17 Mar. 2020

Dear all I hope this email finds you well. Insurance Charities Awareness Week 2019 was our biggest yet, reaching almost 76,000 insurance employees across the UK and Ireland thanks to our fantastic network of supporters. In 2020, our national campaign ( will take place between 22-26 June, and once again we are inviting those in the industry to participate by displaying materials and information in their office. Available at no cost, a box or bag will be filled with giveaways for colleagues to help raise awareness and ensure those who are eligible for our help can receive it. I am writing to you today to ask if you can share this information with both the members in your local Institute and those in your professional networks throughout the UK and Ireland. To sign up for your free materials simply email us with the following details by Friday 17 April. - Company name - Contact name - Contact email address - Contact telephone number - Full postal address for delivery - Number of staff at your office We'll be active on our social media channels in the run-up and throughout the Week, and ask that you share our posts (and your own), so we can reach as many people in the industry as possible. If you would like to discuss this further then please get in touch. Many thanks The Insurance Charities

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2020 General Knowledge Quiz and Skittles!!

Mon 9 Mar. 2020

A fabulous and fun night was had by all with the trophy going to Deputyship Investigations with their team members: Ylenia Astegiano Chris Lowe Christopher Dunworth Nicki Parker.

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Alzheimer's Society and the Insurance Charity

Fri 29 Nov. 2019

Almost half of the 300,000 people working in the UK insurance sector will be affected by dementia, either directly or someone close to them. For those affected, finding the right services can feel daunting. Alzheimer’s Society and The Insurance Charities have now partnered to support people in the industry navigate the challenges the condition may bring. As an insurance employee you can contact The Insurance Charities, who will link you directly to a specialist Dementia Adviser who can help you find exactly what local support is best for you or a loved one. For more information, please see below:

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