
Upcoming Events - COVID 19

Fri 13 Mar. 2020

The Insurance Institute of Northern Ireland has made the decision to postpone the following two events due to COVID 19.

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Annual Belfast / Dublin combined v Edinburgh Institute Match (88th year)

Fri 31 Jan. 2020

On Friday 31st January - almost 30 brave souls travelled (pre brexit) to Dublin for the annual Belfast / Dublin combined v Edinburgh Institute for the annual match (88th year)

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IINI Masterclass January 2020

Thu 23 Jan. 2020

We were delighted to have David Meade speak at our January Masterclass.

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Homeless Shoe Boxes Delivered

Sun 15 Dec. 2019

The IINI Charity committee met with the Belfast Homeless Society on a very cold and frosty Sunday evening to see the vital service they provide.

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Annual IINI Pantomime 2019

Sat 7 Dec. 2019

The Annual IINI Pantomime on 7th December 2019 was a sell out with 320 tickets sold!

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Northern Ireland Insurance Seminar

Fri 8 Nov. 2019

DWF would like to invite you to join us at our Northern Ireland Insurance seminar being held at The Titanic Hotel, Belfast on Thursday, 21 November 2019.

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