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Webinar - The Psychology of Insurance Fraud

  • Wed 25 Nov 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

Why do people commit insurance fraud? Is it really because they feel it is a victimless crime against a faceless corporation or is there more at play? In this thought-provoking webinar we will examine these questions and look specifically at how research from the field of psychology has revealed possible answers as to why people commit insurance fraud.

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Webinar - Equity Release in Focus

  • Tue 24 Nov 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Daniel Edmondson, Pure Retirement
    • Hattie Tales, Pure Retirement

The use of equity release as a financial tool has gained significant momentum of the last 5 years and is showing no sign of slowing. Equity release is and should be a part of every financial discussion when we are catering for clients in later life.

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Webinar - FCA focus on culture and behaviour in General Insurance

  • Tue 24 Nov 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

This comprehensive and interactive webinar will focus on the Dear CEO letter that was published on 4 September 2020 which set out a new supervisory agenda for general insurance intermediaries and will cover FCA expectations, press coverage (incl Bloomberg’s findings), assessment of culture, changing behaviour, the key role of senior managers and how chartered status can help.

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Webinar - The New Normal: a vicarious liability minefield

  • Fri 20 Nov 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

This webinar will walk you through this potential legal minefield and provide risk management solutions to ensure employees and employers do not become the subject of vicarious liability claims.

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Webinar - FCA’s New supervision strategy for GI Brokers

  • Thu 19 Nov 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

In the FCA’s Dear CEO letter of 4 September 2020 they set out a new supervision strategy for GI brokers as they believe customers are buying unsuitable or poor value products and that insufficient or unclear information is being provided at point of sale and inappropriate sales tactics are the biggest contributors of customer harm.

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Webinar - Trust, Transparency and Visibility: striking the right balance in the workplace

  • Wed 18 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

This thought-provoking webinar addresses the key question: is there a link between trust, transparency, visibility and performance in the workplace?

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Webinar - Personal Injury Claims - Where next?

  • Tue 17 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Bernard Thornton

This presentation looks at the background to the current market for injury claims and how it will be affected by the CLA. It predicts the likely consequences for insurers, intermediaries, claimants and the insuring public and takes into account other topical and disrupting factors in the Motor market such as Ogden, general claims inflation and now the dramatic onset of Covid-19.

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Webinar - How to build resilience in the face of redundancy

  • Wed 11 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Melissa Kidd, Totem Ltd.

Work is a big part of our identity. When our job changes or ends, how does that impact our sense of self? How can we navigate the choppy waters of change effectively? And how do we ensure the inner critic doesn’t have a field day?

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Webinar - An insight into Professional Negligence Claims

  • Fri 06 Nov 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Jonathan Watmough, Keystone Law

Like it or not, negligence claims have become part and parcel of professional life. In this talk, Jonathan Watmough of Keystone Law explains: • How claims arise • How, in practice, claims are conducted • The funding available for claims • The legal issues / principles that arise • Steps that can be taken to avoid claims

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Webinar - Get it Write - A Masterclass for Paraplanners

  • Wed 04 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Melissa Kidd, Motem Ltd.

Whether you are writing suitability reports, emails or letters, helping clients to understand advisor’s recommendations is no easy task.  This engaging and practical session will steer you away from communication traps and lay down some communication ground rules. You will be able to strike the right tone, build trust and write concisely. The FCA is calling for the industry to improve the readability of the reports – this session will start to show you how.

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Practical Soft Skills Workshop- Masterclass (Oct 2020)

  • Fri 30 Oct 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
    • Adam Owen, NextGen Planners Ltd

This one-day course focuses on the tiny details that make the difference between good client relationships and great client relationships. During the day you will learn what your communication style says about you and how you can adapt the way that you communicate to instantly build rapport with those around you.

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Webinar - Personal Impact and Power

  • Wed 28 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Melissa Kidd,, Motem Ltd.

Our personal communication style can greatly affect how effective we are. Whether you want to be more influential, understand the body language of power or come across more confidently in your conversations, this webinar can help. It brings together elements of communication, assertiveness and influencing so that you can be clear, confident and sure-footed when it matters.

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Practical Soft Skills Workshop- New Starters

  • Wed 28 Oct 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
    • Adam Owen, NextGen Planners Ltd

This one-day course focuses on building great client relationships. You will learn techniques to build trust and move fluently through the meeting agenda, whilst maintaining focus on the client’s needs. You will learn the six key questions that achieve a real understanding of the client’s objectives, enable you to recommend solutions based on real understanding and produce a compliant file.

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Practical Soft Skills Workshop- New Starters (Oct 2020)

  • Wed 28 Oct 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
    • Adam Owen, NextGen Planners Ltd

This one-day course focuses on building great client relationships. You will learn techniques to build trust and move fluently through the meeting agenda, whilst maintaining focus on the client’s needs. You will learn the six key questions that achieve a real understanding of the client’s objectives, enable you to recommend solutions based on real understanding and produce a compliant file.

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Webinar - Understanding the implications of policy exclusions following Covid-19

  • Tue 27 Oct 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

We know pretty much the whole market will apply some sort of pandemic exclusion for pandemics/covid-19 or more worryingly the words communicable diseases will be used, this starts bringing all sorts of extra scenarios that will be excluded for clients. Importantly, this will be for liability as well as property and Bi and could leave a policyholder with a lawsuit that is not covered by their insurance policy.

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Webinar - How to succeed with your inner critic

  • Wed 21 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Melissa Kidd,, Motem Ltd

Many of us have an inner voice that is telling us we’re not enough – be that clever enough, successful enough, attractive enough. For some of us, it is so familiar that we believe it’s part of our very fabric and we wouldn’t achieve anything without it. This session will introduce the idea that there are other ways to motivate yourself which can mean you enjoy your work more and can perform at an even higher level whilst reducing anxiety, stress and the risk of burnout.

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Webinar - Credit Hire - The what? When? How? And Who?

  • Wed 14 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Bernard Thornton

This webinar looks at the development of credit hire, the legalities, and how the current market operates. It also includes some significant case studies and how the concept might develop in the future.

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Webinar - Coaching and Mentoring (second session)

  • Tue 06 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
    • Katharine Jones

How many of us were using video conferencing technology before March 2020? The challenges of the last six months have meant that adapting and learning new skills is more important than ever. This session is designed for anyone who is involved with sharing their knowledge and expertise with others,

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Webinar - Coaching and Mentoring

  • Tue 06 Oct 10:00 am – 11:15 am
    • Katharine Jones

How many of us were using video conferencing technology before March 2020? The challenges of the last six months have meant that adapting and learning new skills is more important than ever. This session is designed for anyone who is involved with sharing their knowledge and expertise with others,

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Webinar - How to maximise opportunities in a Hard market

  • Mon 05 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

‘If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, then yours is the hard insurance market and all the distressed clients within in it.’ (an insurance version of Rudyard Kipling).

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