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Wealth Preservation & Family Law

  • Thu 28 Mar 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Paul Lancaster, Blacks Solicitors LLP

We work in a world of blended and changed family structures, we need to understand the legal constraints and opportunities when creating plans with our clients. Effective financial planning brings together emotional, financial and legal issues to help clients create, preserve and protect their wealth and income. Financial advisors and planners work with other professionals to create plans. Very often planning involves legal matters, being familiar with the legalities and knowing when to signpost to other professionals is a skill worth developing and we are delighted to invite you to book the first of a trilogy of legal webinars provided by Blacks Solicitors.

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Men: It's OK to Talk (and other ways to process difficult stuff)

  • Wed 20 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Steve Heath, Mental Health in Business

The aim of the session is to shine a light on why some men find it difficult to open up, to explore ways to support men when they are struggling and to share some alternative ways to process difficult stuff, for those who really don’t like talking. Steve is a director and one of the co-founders of MHIB - and his vision is to lead a global shift in mental health in the workplace. He is passionate about helping businesses to create meaningful and impactful wellbeing programmes.

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Understanding how the three different Ogden rates in the UK have so significantly increased liability claims settlements.

  • Wed 13 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

Broker staff, if you do not understand the long-term implications of a negative Ogden in the marketplace then you will be failing your clients – this presentation will help you understand why parliament’s decision to create and stick with a negative Ogden rate has an impact on ALL major liability injury claims. Even the traditional EL limit of £10m is now looking too small let alone PL limits of £2m.

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CPD Webinar: An Introduction to Marine Cargo Insurance

  • Wed 13 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Hornby, Chartered Insurance Practitioner

Despite marine insurance being one of the oldest classes of business, for many in our profession it is not something they come across on a regular basis. This one-hour webinar provided by Alan Hornby is Part 1 of 3 of the webinar series on Marin Cargo Insurance. This session is aimed at those new to insurance or who want to refresh their knowledge of this important but often overlooked class of business.

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Lead up to the year ahead of a possible Labour Government - What can an individual do ahead of a possible Labour Government?

  • Thu 22 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Kinnaird Chartered FSCI, Walker Crips Investment Management

In this presentation, Alan Kinnaird will review areas that an individual investor should consider ahead of a possible Labour Government.

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Revision Courses

  • Mon 01 Jan – Tue 31 Dec

The Newcastle Institute are running a series of Revisions Courses relating to CII and PFS examinations throughout 2024. These are open to anyone and the booking pages/ more information can be found on the following link: The January and February events are now live.

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FCA GI Consumer Duty and update

  • Tue 18 Jul 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII MIoD, Branko Ltd

The FCA has made it clear that "some firms may be further behind in their thinking and planning for the Duty. This brings a risk that they may not be ready in time, or they may struggle to embed the Duty effectively throughout their business." Are you ready?

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Webinar - Looking back at 2020 and ahead to conscious capitalism: ESG and socially responsible investing

  • Tue 17 Nov 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    • Adam Martell, Charles Stanley

A presentation by Adam Martell - Investment Manager & Chartered Wealth Manager Charles Stanley, in conjunction with the Institutes of Hull, York and Bradford In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, around the world central banks provided record levels of stimulus to support economies. In this webinar, Adam will recap the main events of the year, before turning attention towards integrating ESG (environmental, social, governance) and socially responsible factors into any strategy as an investment manager. Building wealth for the future is important but increasingly Adam is finding people want their investments to do more than make money. This webinar explores the role of ESG integration as part of this process.

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Webinar - Understanding the implications of policy exclusions following covid-19

  • Wed 21 Oct 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

We know pretty much the whole market will apply some sort of pandemic exclusion for pandemics/covid-19 or more worryingly the words communicable diseases will be used, this starts bringing all sorts of extra scenarios that will be excluded for clients. Importantly, this will be for liability as well as property and Bi and could leave a policyholder with a lawsuit that is not covered by their insurance policy. All insurance staff need to understand the law relating to exclusions. This webinar will take delegates on a plain English walk on how the law applies to policy exclusions and proximate cause, so that they can explain to clients clearly and confidently the implications of the differing communicable disease exclusions that will be applied to your policyholders wordings.

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Webinar - Seafarer Crisis - what has happened and where do we go from here

  • Wed 21 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Gemma Pearce, BLM Solicitors

The crisis affecting seafarers will lead to shipowners and their insurers in all likelihood facing claims from ship’s crew members. This 1.5 hour webinar will raise awareness around the issues affecting the crews of all vessels worldwide since the pandemic started and that charters may start to be rejected due to a ship’s crew having been on board for excessive periods, raising safety concerns. Vessels will then be laid up around the world with potentially no crew being available, as there is almost certainly going to be a decline in the profession.

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CPD Diversity Webinar "Unconscious Bias" with Dr Pete Jones

  • Wed 14 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Dr Pete Jones

Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. This 1-hour webinar will raise awareness around Unconscious Bias in the workplace and wider business environment. Drawing strongly on the neuroscience evidence, and the research around ‘what works’, it aims to equip delegates with an insight into Unconscious Bias.

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Webinar - How to maximise opportunities in a Hard Market

  • Tue 13 Oct 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

There have been hard markets before, there have been recessions before, but never have the two emerged with such force at the same time. Policyholders desperate for savings will be receiving the unwelcome news of significant premium increases. The door of client inertia will be swung wide open, presenting fantastic new business opportunities, as well as offering serious threats to renewal books. This webinar, delivered by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular insurance presenters in the UK, is a follow on from his incredibly well received presentation on why there will be a hard market called the Perfect Storm. Alan will explain what constitutes a hard market and ten things both brokers and underwriters need to do to maximise opportunities in these unique trading conditions. Many of the best brokers in the UK attribute their success to the last hard market of 2001. It became a turning point from which they never looked back. There will be big winners and losers again in 2020 just like there was 19 years ago.

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Webinar - Building Sustainable Lasting Legacies

  • Tue 29 Sep 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Anna Brooksbank, Time Investments

As every adviser knows, no two clients are the same. All will have very different goals and objectives, and understanding these are key when it comes to successful financial planning. In the context of legacy planning, it is also important to gain a true understanding of client’s individual beliefs, values and aspirations. For some clients, legacy planning may be primarily focused on ensuring that as much of their wealth as possible can be passed on to their loved ones. Others may be looking to use their investment power to make a wider positive change, seeking opportunities to invest in sectors that they know will be improving the world for generations to come.

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Webinar - Credit Hire - The What? How? When? and Who?

  • Thu 24 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Bernard Thornton

Overview Credit Hire has only been around for 30 years or so, but in that time it has become one of the most sensitive and polarising subjects in the general insurance market. Depending on your perspective it can solve a perennial problem by keeping vital customers on the road or it can be an expensive and unnecessary luxury, which ultimately has to be paid for by the insuring public. This webinar looks at the development of credit hire, the legalities, and how the current market operates. It also includes some significant case studies and how the concept might develop in the future.

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Webinar - Manage your Fear and turn up with confidence

  • Tue 22 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Susan Heaton-Wright

Overview: There are situations where we are affected by fear; this could impact on our performance, or we could avoid taking up opportunities that could progress our career. In this powerful webinar, Susan shares techniques to understand and manage your fear so you can present the very best version of yourself in business situations. Using proven knowledge from Neuroscience as well as her experience as a professional musician, Susan delivers invaluable content.

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Webinar - Fire & Fury, when disaster struck: What happened next?

  • Tue 15 Sep 9:45 am – 3:15 pm
    • With support from, DAC Beachcroft

Following on from last year's successful regional seminar, we're pleased to announce the second chapter focusing on the civil, fraud and criminal aspects of the disaster case-study. It promises to be a fascinating session, culminating in a mock-trial

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Business Interruption Insurance - all you need to know, explained in plain English - Webinar

  • Thu 20 Aug 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

Following the Arbory case, brokers are highly vulnerable to professional Indemnity claims due to inappropriate advice around BI insurance. One of the problems is that an accountants Gross Profit is different from insurance Gross Profit and policies could easily be set up incorrectly unless this distinction is understood. This webinar will help you get this right. Presented by Alan Chandler, one of the UK's most popular insurance presenters, Alan will take this opportunity to run through how business interruption insurance should be correctly set up. Alan will lift the myths away from Bi and show how, in his easy to understand style, you can get this cover on a correct footing going forward. This presentation will be applicable for brokers, underwriters, claims staff and loss adjusters.

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The Rise of Errors and Omission Claims Against Brokers and why Broker PI Premiums are Soaring

  • Thu 02 Jul 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

Broker Professional Indemnity premiums are in many cases doubling which reflect the fact that Pi underwriters believe the possibility of claims against brokers has never been higher. This presentation will explore why the amount of errors and omission claims against brokers are on the increase and how these can potentially be mitigated. Various new pieces of legislation including the brokers duty under the Insurance Act 2015, GDPR and the Insurance Distribution Directive are making brokers more vulnerable than ever, which coupled with increased litigation in society, increased client expectations and ever higher regulatory demands mean that brokers cannot continue to do what they have always done, far more proactivity is required. Alan Chandler who is widely regarded as one of the leading trainers and presenters within the UK will provide a number of examples of how the tide of litigation is turning against insurance brokers and what they need to do to mitigate their E&O risks.

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The Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability - Have we reached the final destination? **Webinar**

  • Thu 25 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

On 1 April 2020, the Supreme Court handed down its judgments in two highly important cases for employers and the insurance industry: Various Claimants v Barclays Bank and Various Claimants v Morrisons. The Court of Appeal had held Barclays to be vicariously liable for the actions of an independent contractor and Morrisons liable for a major data breach committed by a rogue employee who was subsequently sentenced to prison. The Supreme Court has overturned both decisions.

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The Commercial Courts Process or “ How Do I Sue My Insurer “ **Webinar**

  • Wed 10 Jun 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Sarah Pether, Andrew Jackson Solicitors

One of the issues that has arisen recently in the general insurance sector is that of uncertainty around cover for Covid losses. No-one likes uncertainty, and press reports have suggested that some big-name insurers could face legal action from policyholders if claims are rejected or delays prolonged.

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