Previous events

All previous events

MIIndful Manchester: Elevenses!

  • Fri 29 May 11:00 am – 11:30 am
  • Online

Come and join us for a great networking opportunity from your own home, get involved with our remote coffee morning!

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Webinar: The reaction and outlook of global markets during COVID-19

  • Thu 28 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Chris Sutton, Aubrey Capital Management

The presentation will focus on global markets, looking at the economic and market conditions in the early part of 2020. It will look at how markets were then effected going into March by the spread of the COVID-19 virus and how the policy response from central banks and governments prevented a liquidity crisis akin to that seen in late 2008.

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Webinar: Adapt, Adjust and Bounce Back!

  • Wed 27 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Julia Wolfendale, On the Up Consulting
    • Kevin Sanders, 23 Degrees Business Solutions

Join this one hour webinar to find out how to boost your business and personal resilience.

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Webinar: Background to Cyber and Claims Handling (with Case Studies)

  • Wed 20 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Mark Hawskworth, Sedgwick

Join this webinar, it will act as an introduction to Cyber covers and will focus on claims handling with reference to claims studies.

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Webinar: How insurance intermediaries can cope financially

  • Thu 14 May 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Online
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

Slides available to download. Join this comprehensive and interactive one hour webinar will focus on the critical financial aspects of riding this storm - overall business solvency, looking at key areas of the business, revised requirements of senior managers, reviewing expenditure, reliance on key clients, HMRC help, furloughing, cutting unnecessary spending and looking ahead.

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Webinar: Your HR and employment law questions answered during Covid-19

  • Thu 30 Apr 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Jodie Hill, Thrive Law

Slides available to download. This session we will hear from Jodie Hill, Managing Partner of Thrive Law, she will host this webinar on coronavirus and its associated human resource and employment law issues. It also important to cover the aspects on our mental health too.

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IIM AGM 2020

  • Thu 23 Apr 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Book today to join our online Annual General Meeting 2020.

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Webinar (4): How to correctly advise policyholders on the Policy coverage gaps caused by the Covid-19 lockdown

  • Wed 22 Apr. 5:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

The Covid-19 lockdown has created far more gaps in covers than most brokers realise, and this webinar takes a look at where these coverage gaps arise and how best to advise your clients on these issues.

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Webinar (3): How to correctly advise policyholders on the Policy coverage gaps caused by the Covid-19 lockdown

  • Tue 21 Apr. 5:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

The Covid-19 lockdown has created far more gaps in covers than most brokers realise, and this webinar takes a look at where these coverage gaps arise and how best to advise your clients on these issues.

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Webinar: How to correctly advise policyholders on the Policy coverage gaps caused by the Covid-19 lockdown

  • Mon 20 Apr.
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

The Covid-19 lockdown has created far more gaps in covers than most brokers realise, and this webinar takes a look at where these coverage gaps arise and how best to advise your clients on these issues.

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MLS Lecture: Landlord and Tenant Liability (plus MLS AGM)

  • Tue 14 Apr 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm

All lectures for the second quarter will be cancelled, however, we are working on solutions to get remote contact to our members during this period as we understand that it is still important for people to maintain their commitment to their Continued Professional Development.

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Webinar: Coronavirus Business Continuity - Best Practice in Working from Home & Managing Teams Remotely

  • Tue 31 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Sarah Stoddart-Burrows

Slides available. As the number of novel coronavirus cases continue to increase and the advice from the Government has been updated to work from home where possible more and more companies have moved to working from home for the foreseeable future.

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Quarter End Do - March

  • Fri 27 Mar. 5:00 pm
  • Revolution


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Webinar (2): A plain English explanation of how to answer the most common question of the moment: 'does my Bi policy cover Covid-19?'

  • Fri 27 Mar.
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

Slides available! Alan Chandler will explore briefly the background of Business interruption cover in the UK and focus specifically on the Bi extensions that may or may not cover Covid-19. It will be done in Alan's plain English style so that you can go away and feel confident in talking about how Bi cover responds to the biggest issue of the day.

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Webinar: A plain English explanation of how to answer the most common question of the moment: 'does my Bi policy cover Covid-19?'

  • Mon 23 Mar.
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

Slides available. Alan Chandler will explore briefly the background of Business interruption cover in the UK and focus specifically on the Bi extensions that may or may not cover Covid-19. It will be done in Alan's plain English style so that you can go away and feel confident in talking about how Bi cover responds to the biggest issue of the day.

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Background to Cyber and Claims Handling

  • Tue 17 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Friends Meeting House
    • Eur Ing Mark Hawksworth


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MCA Lecture: Vicarious Liability

  • Thu 12 Mar.

This is a third party event which may be of interest to our members, organised by Manchester Claims Association.

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Council Meeting March

  • Mon 09 Mar 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Local institute meeting for the Insurance Institute of Manchester Council members and invited guests only.

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MLS Lecture: Product liability: when damage is not “damage”

  • Wed 04 Mar 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Friends Meeting House
    • Simon Durkin, Weightmans

Slides available to download. We will look at the pure economic loss policy coverage conundrum following the Bacardi decision.

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Embedding the Senior Manager and Certification Regime

  • Wed 26 Feb 8:00 am – 9:30 am
  • Friends Meeting House
    • Fiona Jones, Deloitte Risk and Regulation

Slides available to download. New breakfast CPD sessions, book your place today! In this session we will explore how to embed the Senior Manager and Certification Regime. This event will focus on how organisations embed the arrangements and commitments made to the FCA in a practical manner.

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