President's Welcome

  • Kellie Hands
  • President

Dear Members,

I am delighted to have been elected as President of the Insurance Institute of the Isle of Man for 2024/25 and would like to thank my fellow council members for electing me. It is a great honour to continue the legacy of my predecessors dating back to 1987, and I look forward to working with you for the next 12 months.

During my term I am committed to our Education Committee to provide superb high-quality selection of face-to-face and online CPD events that will cater for the diverse interests within the CII Group, incorporating the Personal Finance Society, Society for Mortgage Professionals, as well of those working in the varied insurance sector and also promoting and encouraging students of all ages for their professional exams.

As a local institute, we will be looking to expanding member networking, and mentoring opportunities. Your local institute exists to support you, our members, and we would love to hear from you on how best we, as an Institute, can best support you, and any ideas with regards to the CPD and social events are very much welcomed.

My nominated charity for the year is Autism Initiatives who will share any charitable funds raised with the Insurance Charities.

I look forward to a successful year for our Institute and our members.

Best wishes,


Kellie Hands, Cert CII, MInstLM
President, The Insurance Institute of the Isle of Man