
MBEs for David Vick & John Aspden

Mon 4 Jan. 2016

Congratulations to David Vick, former Chief Executive of the Insurance & Pensions Authority, Past President & Honorary Life Vice President of the local insurance institute and John Aspden, former Chief Executive of the Financial Supervision Commission who have been awarded MBEs in the Queen's New Year Honours list.

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Merry Christmas!

Wed 16 Dec. 2015

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from all on your local institute Council! We look forward to seeing you at one of our events in 2016!

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Congrats to Michelle!

Mon 7 Dec. 2015

Congratulations to Michelle Murphy from Corporate Options who won the iPad Mini at our Christmas Drinks evening last Thursday! Although the weather was against us, we still had a great turnout so thanks to everyone who came along and thanks again to Tower Insurance for donating the iPad.

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Young Achiever of the Year Award

Mon 16 Nov. 2015

A new award is being launched for presentation at the institute's 2016 annual dinner.

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Isle of Man named 'Best International Finance Centre'

Mon 12 Oct. 2015

The Isle of Man’s financial services industry was the big winner at the Professional Advisor International Fund and Product Awards 2015 which were presented in London on Wednesday night (7th October). The Isle of Man was named ‘Best International Finance Centre’ fending off strong competition from Jersey, Guernsey, Malta, Luxembourg and Dublin.

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Mike Henthorn Memorial Match

Wed 30 Sep. 2015

Local rugby club, Vagabonds are hosting a veterans memorial match for Mike Henthorn on Saturday 3rd October at Ballafletcher.

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