Annual General Meeting 2024
To all members of the Insurance Institute of London
Join us for the IIL’s AGM to learn the result of the elections and hear our new President outline their thoughts on the current state of the market and their priorities for the year ahead.
As we have ~25,000 members who are entitled to vote, we are inviting all members to vote in advance and the results will be announced at this virtual meeting. You are now invited to vote. The ballot paper is here.
The deadline for voting is Monday 23 September 2024 at 9am.
- Consider and adopt the Annual Report for 2023-2024
- Consider and adopt the Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
- Elect the President: Lucy Clarke
- Elect the Deputy President: Matthew Moore
- Elect the Deputy President-Designate: Richard Dudley, ACII, Chartered Insurer
- Elect the Treasurer: Netsai Mangwende, Chartered Accountant (Zimbabwe)
- Elect New Vice President: Ken Norgrove, FCII, Chartered Insurer
- Elect Vice Presidents to Council:
a) Claire McDonald, ACII, Chartered Insurer
b) Sheila Cameron
c) Ken Norgrove, FCII – Chartered Insurer - Elect the Chairs of the CPD Committees to Council:
a) Aviation & Space Committee: Gareth Howell, ACII, Chartered Insurer
b) Casualty Committee: Noelene McKenna
c) Claims Committee: Paul Handy, ACII, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
d) Cyber & Technology Committee: Rob Windsor-Clive, ACII
e) Financial Planning Committee: Edward Grant, FPFS, Chartered Financial Planner
f) Inclusion & Diversity Committee & CII Diversity Representative: Mary Bowie
g) London Market Committee: Artur Niemczewski, PhD, Cert CII
h) Marine & Energy Committee: Peter Dixon, FCII, Chartered Insurance Broker
i) Nature and Sustainability Committee: William Butler
j) Property Committee: Simon Warren, ACII, Chartered Insurer
k) Real Estate Committee: Michael Brett, ACII, Chartered Insurance Broker
l) Reinsurance Committee: Ben Rose, ACII, Chartered Insurance Practitioner - Elect Committee Chairs to Council:
a) Nominations Committee: Julian Enoizi, a Past President
b) Student Engagement Committee: Michael Howard, FCII, Chartered Insurance Practitioner
c) Representatives Committee: Sally Blake, FCII, Chartered Insurer
d) Research Studies Committee: Andrew Birt, ACII, Chartered Insurance Broker
e) Young Members Committee: Kimberley Hallam, ACII, Chartered Insurer - Elect IIL Representatives on the Local Institute National Forum to Council:
a) Alina Schatten, ACII, Chartered Insurer
b) Christopher Carlin, Cert CII - Elect to Council large employer representatives:
a) Allianz - Matthew Knight, ACII, Chartered Insurer
b) Lockton – Clarissa Franks, ACII
c) Marsh - Valtter Lehtonen, Cert CII - Elect the Auditors for the year ending 31 December 2024 - PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- Awards announcements
- Witness the transfer of office
President: Lucy Clarke
Deputy President: Matthew Moore
Allison Potts, Institute Secretary (CEO)
17 July 2024
- Online event
Booking information:
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