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Professional Indemnity Insurance - case law, regulation and practice *PRICE REDUCTION* (September 2010)

This 648 page edition of the book will appeal to anyone interested in professional indemnity insurance whether needing, arranging, claiming or managing claims or reinsuring insurers in the UK (the book does not mention medical practitioners'' insurance).

As in the first edition, the chapters for the professions continue to provide a background to the profession, the legal liabilities, underwriting considerations and the future developments.

In this new edition there is a case study of

  • case law to date involving the selected professions or the application of policy terms

  • the number of practicing professionals

  • the activities of the professionals selected now given the significant changes which have occurred since 2001 such as those introduced by IT development, economic conditions, regulations, trading standards, and new laws or directives

  • the differences and similarities between the regulated professional indemnity insurance policy wordings with an attending table for easy cross referencing

  • the considerations given to pricing Professional Indemnity insurance and underwriting risks

  • an explanation about the Regulator''s role and the role of a trade association

  • Financial advisers and separately insurance brokers, showing the impact of ombudsman''s powers and FSA regulation on the exposures to professional indemnity losses

  • claims management and the relevant protocols

  • reinsurance and the problems caused by a mismatch between loss notification clauses in original policies and the relevant reinsurance contracts

Please be advised:
The Insurance Institute of London and those individuals who give lectures and/or produce papers under its auspices are mindful of the need for such material to be as complete and accurate as the occasion requires and permits. However, such material is not represented to be a full and authoritative statement of the law or practice relating to any of the issues covered and no liability for any error or omission or for any opinion expressed will be accepted by the speaker or writer, their employer or the Institute.

If you are a contributing author to this publication, to obtain a more advantageous discount, please contact Nicci Greenacre -

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