Previous CPD programme

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Open Banking: the future of finance and a blueprint for insurance?

  • Tue 14 Jun 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Chantal Constable, CGI
    • Sean Devaney, CGI

In this IIL financial services webinar, Chantal Constable and Sean Devaney demystify Open Banking in the UK and identify ‘the good the bad and the ugly’; lessons learned, opportunities created and those that were missed. They will discuss the data used in Open Banking, the standards that enable it as well as participation model and ecosystem development, highlighting the security considerations of a connected network, and the opportunity for the insurance industry to learn from these.

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Oil claims - past, present and future

  • Thu 09 Jun 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Marine & Energy
  • Online event
    • John E Minton, The Minton, Treharne and Davies Group

In this IIL marine and energy webinar, John Minton explains the historical claim issues that we have faced as a market and the problems we face today with the changing world. The overall learning objective is to foster an understanding of how oil is shipped, what can go wrong and how we, as a market, can manage the insurance exposure.

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Warm leads, hot results: converting leads into successful sales

  • Thu 09 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
  • YMC event
  • Online event
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates

In this presentation, the second in the YMC Skills Series, Nick Thomas looks at the vital importance of developing a flow of 'warm' leads, particularly in the modern working environment, and discusses how to nurture and build warm relationships toward successful sales outcomes.

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Mastering Mixed Assessment for General Insurance CII Diploma units

  • Wed 08 Jun 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Revision
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Alison Cooper FCII Dip PFS, ACT One Training Services Ltd

In this IIL revision seminar, Alison Cooper shares her considerable knowledge and experience to provide guidance to candidates to help master the CII Diploma units, with a focus on multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and coursework. These insights have been gained primarily from her experiences as a CII Senior Examiner and Marker.

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Visit to Lloyd's (May 2022)

  • Thu 26 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • CPD visit
  • Lloyd's

A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.

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Digital transformation in aviation

  • Wed 25 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • Online event
    • Brian Warszona, Marsh

In this IIL aviation webinar, Brian Warszona talks about the background and history of changes and implementation of technology into the aviation industry sector.

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From stress to success - developing resilience and wellbeing in the hybrid workplace

  • Mon 23 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Inclusion & Diversity
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Pinky Jangra, Pinky Jangra Training and Consulting Services

In this IIL inclusion and diversity seminar, Pinky Jangra talks about creating a vision for your hybrid workplace, recognising stress in yourself and others during hybrid working, and practical tools to help you and your team develop resilience and wellbeing.

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Employers' liability update on Covid-19

  • Thu 19 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Casualty
  • Online event
    • Derek Adamson, DWF Law LLP

In this IIL accident webinar, Derek Adamson talks about the issues that will determine whether the claimant succeeds in a claim for Covid-19 disease arising from alleged exposure to coronavirus in the workplace.

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Trust Registration Service - challenges and opportunities for trustees and advisers

  • Tue 17 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Barbara Gardener, Technical Connection Ltd
    • Niki Patel, Technical Connection Ltd

In this IIL financial services webinar, Barbara Gardener and Niki Patel talk about the challenge that is the extension of the HMRC Trust Registration Service (TRS) to almost all trusts, regardless of any tax liabilities, especially the trusts holding life insurance investment bonds, which until now had little contact with HMRC.

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Accelerated learning & memory techniques

  • Tue 10 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Revision
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Robert Murray ACII, BDO LLP

In this IIL revision presentation, Rob Murray outlines with practical examples a range of different memory techniques to assist students when preparing for exams or wider business or personal situations.

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Achieving digital change: the keys to success

  • Mon 09 May 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Cyber, & Technology
  • Online event
    • Susan Jakobek, Placing Platform Limited

In this IIL cyber, technology and innovation webinar, Susan Jakobek discusses how her learnings from previous experiences in digital transformation and managing change now inform the market-wide programme for digital placement being developed at PPL and rolled out across the whole market.

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Optimum performance in the hybrid world - the distraction culture and taking back control

  • Wed 04 May 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
  • Professional Speaker Programme
  • Online event
    • Nick Thomas, NIck Thomas & Associates

In this comprehensive and interactive session, Nick Thomas looks at the modern challenges to effective productivity, and how the remote or hybrid working environment has only emphasised the need for professionals to take control of their motivation, focus and execution.

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The Air League - Changing lives through aviation

  • Wed 27 Apr 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • Online event
    • Ian Morrison CBE, The Air League
    • Caroline Smith, The Air League
    • Samuel Gervais, The Air League
    • Andy Jervis, The Air League

In this IIL aviation webinar, the Air League team cover the range of programmes at work with children (young learners), veterans and early-career individuals to realise the vision of ‘Changing lives through aviation'. Focusing on how Board level CSR/ESG requirements can be delivered for high social premium young people across the UK and offer schools and individuals a charitable partnership to inspire project participants to take up careers in (or supporting) aviation.

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Visit to Lloyd's (April 2022 - pm)

  • Tue 26 Apr 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • CPD visit
  • Lloyd's

A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.

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The Insurance Museum

  • Tue 26 Apr 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • Online event
    • Reg Brown FCII, Chartered Insurance Practitioner, Insurance Museum

In this IIL London Market webinar, Reg Brown outlines the progress made in the last two years in the attempt to open a world-class insurance visitor and research centre in EC3, supported by a museum and library.

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Visit to Lloyd's (April 2022 - am)

  • Tue 26 Apr 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • CPD visit
  • Lloyd's

A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.

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Protecting your business and clients from cyber threats

  • Thu 21 Apr 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Stephen Esho, Brooks Macdonald Group PLC

In this IIL financial services webinar, Stephen Esho explains the scale of the cyber attacks and the ease with which a target can be identified and then compromised. He also covers some simple things that people can do to make themselves a difficult target.

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Engaging in innovation - an opportunity for everyone

  • Wed 20 Apr 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Cyber, & Technology
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Kate Carter, Brit Insurance
    • Ryan Kingston-Jones, BMS Group
    • Caleb Rockstone, Swiss Re

In this IIL cyber, technology and innovation panel discussion, the three innovators - Kate Carter, Ryan Kingston-Jones and Caleb Rockstone - discuss innovation, the work they are doing and how they involve people from across their organisations.

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General insurance business (IF2) revision course

  • Wed 13 Apr – Wed 27 Apr
  • Revision
  • Online event
    • Alison Cooper FCII, Dip PFS, ACT One Training Services Ltd

In these two, three-hour, interactive revision webinars, Alison Cooper FCII guides participants through the required study skills and exam techniques for IF2 (General insurance business) and focuses on some of the key areas of the syllabus.

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Insurance fraud and the work of the City of London Police

  • Wed 06 Apr 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Angela McLaren, City of London Police
    • Matthew Bradford, City of London Police
    • Andrew Gould, National Police Chiefs’ Council

In this IIL London Market presentation, Commissioner Angela McLaren, Matthew Bradford and Andrew Gould speak about policing in a modern world, focusing on cyber-crime and fraud.

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The Insurance Institute of London and those individuals who give lectures and/or produce papers under its auspices are mindful of the need for such material to be as complete and accurate as the occasion requires and permits. However, such material is not represented to be a full and authoritative statement of the law or practice relating to any of the issues covered and no liability for any error or omission or for any opinion expressed will be accepted by the speaker or writer, his or her employer or the Institute.