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The implications of inflation on claims

  • Thu 12 Jan 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
  • Real Estate
  • Online event
    • Chris Hughes, Aviva

In this IIL real estate webinar, Chris Hughes covers the impact of inflation on claims, the issues that are being faced, the outlook for the coming years and ways to smooth the process.

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Visit to Lloyd's (January 2023)

  • Thu 12 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • CPD visit
  • Lloyd's

A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.

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The future of UK airports

  • Wed 11 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • Online event
    • Stephanie Wear, Gatwick Airport

In this IIL aviation webinar, Stephanie Wear talks about the future direction of airport infrastructure in the UK, the Northern Runway project at Gatwick Airport and the post-pandemic operating environment in the airport industry.

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Crude intentions: What dictates the price of oil and how does this affect upstream energy?

  • Wed 07 Dec 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Marine & Energy
  • Online event
    • Jake Hannath Cert CII, MatthewsDaniel

In this IIL marine and energy webinar, Jake Hannath discusses the factors that dictate the price of oil and considers how this affects oil and gas industry activity and upstream oil and gas claims.

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Cyber warfare and the war exclusion

  • Tue 06 Dec 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
  • Claims
  • Online event
    • Meghan Dalton, Clyde & Co US LLP
    • Courtney Logli, Clyde & Co US LLP
    • Jack Stamos, Clyde & Co US LLP

In this IIL claims webinar, Meghan Dalton, Courtney Logli and Jack Stamos focus on the application of war exclusion in relation to claims that arise due to cyber warfare. The panel address the history of the war exclusion, the interpretation of language commonly used in war exclusions and the potential for the application of the war exclusion on cyber-related claims.

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Delay in Start-Up Insurance: a new book from the Insurance Institute of London

  • Thu 01 Dec 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Research Study
  • Online event
    • Stephen Coward
    • David Way FCII, Lockton MENA Limited
    • Francis Barber, Sedgwick
    • Andrew Corton, Hiscox London Market

This publication is the work of a compact team of hand-picked market experts representing all sides of the industry and is essential reading for those interested in or who wish to increase their knowledge of Delay in Start-up Insurance - DSU (re)insurance. Since the publication of 'Insurance of Revenue for Projects Under Construction' (RS254) in 2003, DSU has evolved in the intervening years until now, with a considerable number of projects of varying scales and types being insured around the world.

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Why you need to review client segmentation in light of consumer duty

  • Wed 30 Nov 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Damian Davies, The Timebank

In this IIL financial planning webinar, Damian Davies explores some common mistakes with segmentation as well as exploring practical ways to implement changes immediately to evolve as a business.

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Captive opportunities

  • Thu 24 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Christopher J Lay ACII, Marsh (IIL President)

In this IIL London Market seminar, Chris Lay explains the fundamentals of captives, outlines the drivers behind the historic growth in captives globally over the past three years, and identifies current and expected captive trends.

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Visit to Lloyd's (November 2022)

  • Tue 22 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • CPD visit
  • Lloyd's

A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.

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The risk manager's perspective of the Market - threats and opportunities

  • Tue 22 Nov 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • London Market
  • Online event
    • Julia Graham, Chartered Insurance Risk Manager, FBCI, Airmic Ltd

In this IIL London Market webinar, Julia Graham talks about the context and response to business uncertainty in a world which is likely to be beyond the scope of traditional risk management and insurance models, considering a potentially disorderly decade looming.

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Understanding Shariah principles and mainstream investing

  • Wed 16 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Dr Sefian Kasem, HSBC Asset Management

In this IIL financial services webinar, Dr Sefian Kasem provides an insight into how Shariah principles are applied in mainstream finance.

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The future of the London Market's insurance bureau

  • Tue 15 Nov 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • London Market
  • Online event
    • Shaun Crawford, Xchanging Ins-sure Services Ltd
    • Joe Dainty, Lloyd's
    • Karen McDonagh Reyholds, Xchanging Ins-sure Services Ltd

In this IIL London Market webinar, Shaun Crawford, Joe Dainty and Karen McDonagh-Reynolds explain what the insurance bureau of the future will look like and the associated benefits. The speakers also explain what these changes will mean for you and what your firm will need to do to harness these benefits.

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Covid-19 and the contingency market - a high-level review

  • Thu 10 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Casualty
  • Online event
    • Michael Frimet, Vogrim & Frimet, LLP
    • Liam O'Connell, DAC Beachcroft

In this IIL accident webinar, Michael Frimet and Liam O’Connell discuss the background and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the London contingency/event cancellation insurance market and what the market has learnt from the global pandemic to enable it to move forward.

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The space insurance market

  • Wed 09 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Claims
  • Online event
    • David Wade, Atrium Space Insurance Consortium

In this IIL claims webinar, David Wade talks about the commercial space sector, applications for which satellites are used and the space insurance market. David discusses how the commercial space industry is evolving and the role that insurance plays. He also discusses some of the claims seen in the space market and how data to support a space claim is gathered as well as the realistic disaster scenarios that apply to the space market.

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No fault divorce - will ending the 'blame game' mean game over for divorce lawyers?

  • Thu 03 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online event
    • Kate Daly, amicable

In this IIL webinar, Kate Daly discusses ending the 'blame game' and the changes to the law the Divorce Dissolution and Separation Act 2022 (DDSA) brought about. As well as summarising the changes, she discusses the impact on consumer behaviour and what this means for legal service providers, debating whether this signals 'the end' for traditional divorce lawyers and why the DDSA is just the tip of the iceberg for divorce law reform.

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Digital Assets: What is a Non-Fungible Token?

  • Thu 03 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • YMC event
  • Online event
    • Dan Ross, Superscript

In this IIL YMC webinar, Dan Ross from Superscript's Digital Asset team will introduce Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), how they're being used and what the technology means for insurers.

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Human Rights at Sea: ESG gloss or a critical business requirement?

  • Wed 02 Nov 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Marine & Energy
  • Online event
    • David Hammond, Human Rights at Sea (HRAS)

In this IIL marine and energy webinar, David Hammond introduces Human Rights at Sea (HRAS) and talks about the emerging global focus on human rights (as opposed to labour rights) protections at sea. This includes case studies, growing concerns of the types and scale of abuse at sea and the use of human rights statements in corporate ESG reporting often as a headline as opposed to driving long-term systemic change through not just policy, but legislative change that can be enforced.

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Introducing the Qualification Mentoring Scheme - 2023 intake

  • Mon 31 Oct 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
  • Mentoring event
  • Online event

Studying towards your Advanced Diploma in Insurance (ACII) or Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning (APFS)? Recently qualified and keen to help others achieve the same? The IIL Qualification Mentoring Scheme is now open for applications to join the 2023 intake.

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The perils of aquaculture insurance

  • Thu 27 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Casualty
  • Online event
    • Wilf How, Sunderland Marine
    • James Simison, Sunderland Marine

In this IIL accident webinar, Wilf How and James Simison discuss the aquaculture industry and its place within global food production; the challenges facing aquaculture risk management and successful underwriting in relation to environmental issues and industry developments.

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10,000 Black Interns - an insurer's experience

  • Wed 26 Oct 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
  • Inclusion & Diversity
  • Online event
    • Sally Blake FCII, Zurich Insurance
    • Sophie Lorusso, Zurich Insurance
    • Kevin Anang, Zurich Insurance

In this IIL inclusion and diversity webinar, Sally Blake, Sophie Lorusso and Kevin Anang give an overview of Zurich’s experience of hosting 10,000 Black Interns placements. This includes the creation of the business case and setting up the placements, through onboarding and supporting the interns, to next steps and plans for the future.

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The Insurance Institute of London and those individuals who give lectures and/or produce papers under its auspices are mindful of the need for such material to be as complete and accurate as the occasion requires and permits. However, such material is not represented to be a full and authoritative statement of the law or practice relating to any of the issues covered and no liability for any error or omission or for any opinion expressed will be accepted by the speaker or writer, his or her employer or the Institute.