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2023 – A challenge or an opportunity?

  • Tue 21 Mar 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Reinsurance
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Dominick Hoare ACII, Munich Re Specialty Group

Join us in the Old Library at Lloyd’s to hear from Dominick Hoare, providing a reflection of the current macro challenges of the insurance market and whether such challenges should be seen as opportunities.

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Exploring environmental risk and EIL insurance

  • Wed 15 Mar 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Real Estate
  • Online event
    • Joanna Thomas, AIG
    • Rob Wade, The Hartford
    • Aidan Thomson, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
    • Alan Shaw, Aon

In this IIL Real Estate webinar, Joanna Thomas, Rob Wade, Aidan Thomson and Alan Shaw give a deeper explanation of environmental risk and the role that the Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) market plays in addressing those risks.

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Looking ahead: 2023 trends panel event

  • Thu 09 Mar 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
  • YMC event
  • The Aon Centre
    • Michael Gregory, RSA
    • Angela James, Aon
    • Louisa Luitz, Munich Re
    • Winsee Cheung, Marsh

What trends can we expect to see in 2023, and what impact will they have? Join this in-person panel discussion, hosted by the IIL YMC in association with Aon to find out.

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The future world of work - the robots are coming!

  • Thu 09 Mar 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Gill White, Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)

In this IIL financial planning webinar, Gill White considers the opportunities and challenges faced across the profession as we learn to work more closely with machines in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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ChatGPT: hype vs reality – AI in insurance

  • Wed 08 Mar 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Cyber, & Technology
  • Online event
    • Ian Simons ACII, CII
    • Chris Mullan, Eigen Technologies
    • Manuel Leon Urrutia, University of Southampton

In this IIL cyber and technology webinar, a panel of experts - Ian Simons, Chris Mullan and Manuel Leon Urrutia - from leading insurtech firms and academia, look at the realities of how AI is currently being used insurance, and what it might mean for you and your customers in the near future.

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Emerging risks from a US perspective

  • Wed 01 Mar 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Casualty
  • Online event
    • Charlie Kingdollar

In this IIL casualty webinar, Charlie Kingdollar talks about emerging risks and how they may affect future litigation trends.

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Disruptive product innovation in the Lloyd’s market

  • Tue 28 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • Online event
    • George Beattie FCII, CFC

In this IIL London market webinar, George Beattie explains why insurance has a poor reputation for innovation, but why things are changing. In recent years certain participants in the Lloyd’s market have made significant progress in cultivating a disruptive and open culture of collaboration. In this webinar, the speaker examines the mechanisms for encouraging breakthrough innovation in the Lloyd’s market and considers why some innovations succeed and others fail.

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Can physical damage be caused by a cyber-attack?

  • Mon 27 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Property
  • Online event
    • Tiago Dias, FM Global

In this IIL property webinar, Tiago Dias talks about the expanding and evolving threat of cyber-attack and how this evolving threat is causing risk losses within industrial settings.

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Diversity and Inclusion Webinar

  • Fri 24 Feb 1:00 pm – 3:35 pm
  • Webinar

We Welcome all members and guest to attend this afternoon webinar via Zoom. We have a fantastic line-up of speakers and we hope that you can join us.

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How ESG matters are impacting insurance buying behaviour

  • Thu 23 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Casualty
  • Online event
    • Glenn O'Halloran, Howden M&A
    • Oliver Herbert-Williams, Howden M&A

In this IIL casualty webinar, Glenn O’Halloran and Oliver Herbert-Williams talk through the investment required to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The speakers look at the opportunity in terms of how insurance can help accelerate and de-risk the transition to a low-carbon future.

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Visit to Lloyd's (February 2023)

  • Thu 23 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • CPD visit
  • Lloyd's

A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.

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ReinsurTech: a deep dive on new technologies devoted to the reinsurance sector

  • Tue 14 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Reinsurance
  • Online event
    • Colette Karakashian, Verisk
    • Jerad Leigh, Supercede: The Reinsurance Platform
    • Julien Victor, Duck Creek Re (Prima XL)

In this IIL reinsurance webinar, an expert panel navigates new technologies that have emerged in response to the market’s need for reinsurance-specific technology, including specific solutions for risk modelling, outwards data preparation and deal administration, and accounting and settlement.

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How can employee benefits drive and support business culture?

  • Thu 09 Feb 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • David Taylor, Punter Southall Aspire

In this IIL financial planning webinar, David Taylor talks about the importance of aligning the benefits offered to employees with the cultural aspirations of the business, looking at the different benefit frameworks and their relative impacts on the culture. A case study will be used to illustrate a real-life scenario and thinking.

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Strategic UK investment trends post Covid-19

  • Tue 07 Feb 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Real Estate
  • Online event
    • James Gulliford, Savills (UK) Limited

In this IIL real estate webinar, James Gulliford provides an overview on the UK real estate market from an investor perspective including the landscape post Covid-19, macro challenges for 2023, investor sentiment and key drivers and predictions for UK real estate in 2023.

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COP 27 – the growing importance of the insurance industry contribution

  • Wed 01 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • Online event
    • Julian Enoizi, Guy Carpenter

In this IIL London market webinar, Julian Enoizi reflects on attending COP27, drawing out the messages that are important for the London Market and whether urging greater representation of the industry at COP28 is sensible.

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How the language we use influences client behaviour

  • Tue 31 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Carla Brown FPFS, Oakmere Wealth Management

In this IIL financial planning webinar, Carla Brown talks about how the language we use with our clients can create deeper, more meaningful relationships with them and connect on an emotional level. This in turn leads to more loyal clients who will become your sales team and ultimately generate more referrals.

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Cost of living crisis: Mortgage tips for first-time buyers and homeowners

  • Tue 31 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • YMC event
  • Online event
    • Celina Ramsay, Charles Cameron & Associates

In this webinar organised by the IIL Young Members’ Committee, Celina Ramsey provides an insight into the current conditions within the mortgage market and explains the most important factors affecting first-time buyers and existing homeowners who are due to remortgage.

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2023 January renewals

  • Tue 24 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Reinsurance
  • Online event
    • Mike Van Slooten, Aon Reinsurance Solutions

In this IIL reinsurance webinar, Mike Van Slooten, explains the roots of a complex January 2023 reinsurance renewals season and offers a path towards understanding what might come next.

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A regulator's response to a fatal aviation accident

  • Tue 17 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • Online event
    • Kate Staples

In this IIL aviation webinar, Kate Staples explains how the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) responded to a serious fatal aviation accident, offering insights into regulatory thinking and practice that will be of interest to insurance professionals.

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Sustainability Webinar

  • Mon 16 Jan 1:00 pm – 3:35 pm
  • Webinar

We welcome all members and guest to attend this afternoon webinar via Zoom. We have a fantastic line-up of speakers and we hope that you can join us.

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The Insurance Institute of London and those individuals who give lectures and/or produce papers under its auspices are mindful of the need for such material to be as complete and accurate as the occasion requires and permits. However, such material is not represented to be a full and authoritative statement of the law or practice relating to any of the issues covered and no liability for any error or omission or for any opinion expressed will be accepted by the speaker or writer, his or her employer or the Institute.