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Introduction to subsea production systems
In this IIL marine and energy webinar, Thomas Hunt introduces subsea production systems, covering the interlinking components, claim examples and the issues operators face in undertaking repairs in offshore environments.
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Hard Talk: Handling client objections in tough market conditions
In this IIL interactive and practical webinar, Jeff Heasman provides communication strategies that will enable you to communicate with clients in a way that keeps them onboard now and for the future.
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Rising U.S. damage awards
In this IIL aviation webinar, Bart Banino discusses the increase in damage awards in the United States and some of the factors underpinning this trend.
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The risk evolution of automated storage
In this IIL property webinar, Allan Macpherson talks about the fire protection challenges facing the logistics industry posed by large automated storage and retrieval systems.
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Demystifying battery energy storage systems
In this IIL property webinar, Tom Harris explains how technology, digitalisation, and lessons learnt from past losses have led to fewer batteries exploding and entering thermal runaway.
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Overcoming cultural challenges for remote working
In this IIL inclusion and diversity webinar, Laura Edwards speaks about how to overcome the challenges of remote working, including how to ensure a transversal corporate culture, a feeling of belonging and an engaged/efficient workforce.
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YMC Webinar - A dangerous decade: the insurance industry's mission to stay relevant
Join this YMC webinar for a horizon-scan of emerging technology risk trends and explore how insurance can play a key role in understanding and mitigating new risks.
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Delivering tax and financial planning alpha post autumn statement
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Tony Wickenden talks about the latest (and potential future) developments in personal taxation in the UK and its impact on financial planning decision making. Particular focus will be placed on the accumulation, decumulation and transfer stages of the wealth management process underpinning successful intergenerational planning.
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Future focus on environmental insurance – use of technology and predictive analysis
In this IIL casualty webinar, Mary Ann Susavidge looks at how analytics have been used in the context of environmental insurance and their continuing evolution.
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Ukraine and its impact on the terrorism and political violence insurance market
In this IIL London Market webinar, Charles Berry talks about terrorism and political violence (PV) in the insurance market. The stand-alone terrorism and political violence insurance market has run a spectacular trajectory since 9/11. Recently losses from the Ukraine war and from civil unrest around the world have taken the market into more choppy waters. This webinar places the market in context; highlights its strengths and weaknesses; and suggests what its future might look like.
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Visit to Lloyd's (November 2023)
A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.
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Flooding in the City: Planning for an uncertain future
In this IIL property webinar, Dave Cuthbertson and Fiona Hardie provide an update on the current and future flood risk to London and the Thames Estuary and how it is managed through the Environment Agency’s 100-Year Climate-Adaptation Plan.
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FCA GI Consumer Duty and multi-occupancy update
In this comprehensive and interactive webinar, Branko Bjelobaba FCII gives an update on the FCA’s general insurance consumer duty and multi-occupancy.
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How to develop and demonstrate credibility
In this IIL presentation, Susan Heaton-Wright provides tips on how to build trust and credibility with clients, colleagues and prospects.
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Economic abuse and insurance
In this IIL inclusion and diversity webinar, Johnny Timpson, Lauren Garret and Professor James Davey speak about the challenges victim-survivors of economic abuse face with insurance products and propose ways in which the insurance industry may overcome them.
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Inheritance tax planning using regular premium protection plans
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Adrian Bates presents some ideas on engaging with clients in respect of positioning the issue of Inheritance tax and the use of whole of life plans in this area.
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Visit to the Royal Opera House
In this IIL educational visit, attendees can take look a behind the scenes at a prestigious landmark in London - the Royal Opera House (ROH), accessing spaces normally off-limits to the public.
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TISA: improving the financial wellbeing of all UK consumers
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Lisa Laybourn talks about TISA - The Investment and Saving Alliance - and how they work with member firms to deliver practical solutions and devise innovative, evidence-based strategic proposals for government, policymakers and regulators that address major consumer issues.
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Climate change – an opportunity as well as a risk for (re)insurance
In this IIL London Market webinar, Richard Dudley talks about the impact of climate change on the (re)insurance industry; there is plenty of focus on the risks it poses - from natural hazard exposure in particular - but in this session, Richard highlights the significant thematic opportunities it also represents.
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Introducing the Qualification Mentoring Scheme - 2024 intake
Studying towards your Advanced Diploma in Insurance (ACII) or Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning (APFS)? Recently qualified and keen to help others achieve the same? The IIL Qualification Mentoring Scheme is now open for applications to join the 2024 intake.
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