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'Evergreens' and 'newcomers' - coverage issues in offshore wind: German law perspectives
In this IIL marine and energy webinar, Paul Lowrie, Henning Schaloske and Boris Derkum discuss some of the typical issues that arise in German renewables claims, and the similarities and differences compared to claims in the London market.
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Martyn’s Law: What to expect and the support Pool Re can provide
In this IIL real estate webinar, Matt Telfer-Maleary gives an overview of Martyn’s Law and how Pool Re can support members and organisations with the pending legislation through risk management initiatives.
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Digital legacy planning
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Edward Grant gives an overview of digital legacy planning and considers what we can do to build a robust digital legacy plan for ourselves and nudge our clients too.
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Harnessing the power of multigenerational teams
In this IIL interactive and practical webinar, Antonia Roberts helps you to understand the power of generational diversity at work, how each generation can better learn from and engage with one another and how management can support their development.
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Succession planning: how to prepare to sell your business
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Martin Brown and Nick Hunt talk about the challenges of leading a business and how to move from the sometimes-relentless demands in the business to creating and enjoying a business with greater purpose and value. How does your organisation enable succession?
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Navigating success together: YMC's Women in Insurance Forum 2024
Join the YMC for an intimate roundtable event where attendees can gain insights from successful women across different stages of their insurance careers.
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Subrogation – an overview
In this IIL claims webinar, Nigel Ward provides an overview of the legal bases for subrogation and the practical stages from a claims perspective.
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Supporting vulnerable clients – putting theory into practice
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Richard Higgs, Adam Johnson and Ruth Power - winners of the recent Just’s Vulnerability Award - speak on their approach to client vulnerability within their firms, talking through some real case studies and examples that are designed to put the technical guidance around vulnerability into practice.
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Overcoming imposter syndrome
In this IIL interactive webinar, Caroline Martin explores how we give ourselves and others positive reinforcement to overcome imposter syndrome and set up for success.
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Insuring the 'uninsurable': making a market for systemic risks
Join us in the Old Library at Lloyd’s to hear Tom Clementi and Anthony Bice discuss the attributes of systemic risk, how the UK has addressed catastrophic terrorism risk through public-private partnership, and how government and industry could work more closely together to build greater national resilience to cyber risk.
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Reinsurance renewals: A calm after the storm
In this IIL reinsurance webinar, Laurent Rousseau provides a review of the 1st January 2024 reinsurance renewals, explaining how market conditions have evolved since the prior year, and sharing his expectations for the year ahead.
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Developing exposures for Directors and Officers
In this IIL London Market webinar, Mike Lea outlines the current state of the D&O insurance market and some of the developing regulation and legislation that companies and their boards will have to navigate during 2024.
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The test for breaking shipowner’s right to limit liability - a unified Interpretation
In this IIL marine and energy webinar, Daisy Roche and Leyla Pearson take the audience through the background of and the journey towards the development of the unified interpretation of the test for breaking a shipowner’s right to limit liability under International Maritime Organization (IMO) Conventions.
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Book Launch: BI Policy Wordings: Challenges Highlighted by Claims Experience - 2024 edition
At this launch of the 2024 edition of Business Interruption Policy Wordings: Challenges highlighted by claims experience, Study Leaders Damian Glynn and Aruna Chandrapalan examine the impact of Covid-19.
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The greening of existing buildings: the potential hazards of photovoltaic solar
In this IIL property webinar, Paul Carpenter talks about the greening of existing buildings with rooftop photovoltaic (PV) solar arrays and the potential hazards these may introduce from a property risk management perspective.
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Aviation reinsurance
In this IIL aviation & space webinar, Monica Moldenhauer talks about the fundamentals of aviation reinsurance and some of the challenges facing reinsurers in this sector.
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Understanding body language
In this IIL presentation, Samantha Ridgewell helps you understand your body language, what affects it, how others might perceive it and how to use your body language in high-stakes situations and when presenting to support your messages and give them more impact.
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Looking at the past to look at the future: a journey into insurance history
Join the YMC for its first event of 2024 - an exploration of insurance's fascinating past and how it is shaping the direction of the industry into the future.
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Giving and receiving feedback effectively
In this IIL interactive and practical webinar, Melissa Kidd provides some strategies and skills, tools, and techniques to ensure that feedback is given and received in a way that gets the message across while maintaining the relationship.
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Net-Zero carbon emission: can the airline industry achieve this goal?
In this IIL aviation webinar, a panel of experts discuss how airlines can achieve the industry’s goals for Net-Zero carbon emissions and how the aviation insurance industry can help them to achieve these goals.
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