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GDPR - what is changing and what you must do by 25 May 2018

  • Tue 14 Nov 9:00 am – 11:30 am
  • Financial Planning
  • The Insurance Hall
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

A two hour briefing presented by Branko Bjelobaba FCII (FCA Compliance Consultant and CII Accredited Advanced General Insurance Trainer).

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Cyber & Technology: issues you should be thinking about

  • Wed 08 Nov 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Reinsurance
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Sir John Scarlett KCMG OBE

In this IIL reinsurance lecture Sir John Scarlett offered his view on what were the main cyber & technology issues insurers should be thinking about.

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Place of refuge for ships in distress - is the future bright?

  • Tue 07 Nov 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Marine & Energy
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Hugh Shaw OBE, Maritime & Coastguard Agency

In this IIL marine & energy lecture Hugh Shaw OBE described the current UK practices for dealing with places of refuge and work being undertaken within the EU and internationally.

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Sustainability strategy of developments

  • Thu 02 Nov 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Real Estate
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Anita Mitchell, Lendlease

In this IIL property investors lecture Anita Mitchell talked about the importance of sustainability in regeneration projects around the world and what this means for the real estate and construction industries going forward.

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Why would a small international buyer come to London?

  • Wed 01 Nov 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Reinsurance
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • James Grindley ACII, CertAsig Insurance & Reinsurance Company

In this IIL reinsurance lecture James Grindley explained some of the reasons why London attracts certain smaller cedants from overseas, and some possible ways London reinsurers can be more accessible to smaller, international buyers.

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Social Media: making waves

  • Wed 25 Oct 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
  • YMC event
  • Marsh
    • Various speakers

Social media has a huge impact on our day to day lives but also has significant implications for business and your career. The YMC recruited two specialist panels of speakers to help give a unique insight into these different perspectives.

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Is the current financially healthy global airline industry just a temporary change?

  • Thu 19 Oct 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Brian Pearce, IATA

In this IIL aviation lecture Brian Pearce talked about the dramatic improvement in airline industry profitability since 2015, following its decades of shareholder value destruction, its breadth and durability, and what this could mean for London's insurance industry.

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The Inheritance Tax Residence Nil Rate Band - traps and opportunities

  • Tue 17 Oct 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Charles Hutton, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
    • Sarah Wray, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP

In this IIL financial services lecture Charles Hutton advised that the IHT Residence Nil Rate Band started to come into effect in April 2017.

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The London reinsurance market: regaining lost ground

  • Thu 12 Oct 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Reinsurance
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Des Potter, GC Securities, Guy Carpenter

In this IIL reinsurance lecture Des Potter talked about the growing influence of capital from the alternative investment industry on the global (re)insurance market and the UK Governments response with the recently announced new risk transformation legislation. Additionally, he considered what opportunities this new legislation will provide for the London Market.

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Thinking fast & slow: unconscious bias

  • Wed 11 Oct 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
  • Inclusion & Diversity
  • The Insurance Hall
    • Dr Pete Jones, C.Psychol. C. Sci. AFBPSs, Shire Professional Chartered Psychologists

In this IIL inclusion & diversity lecture Dr Pete Jones moved the debate on from 'what is unconscious bias' to address the impact on our people processes and most importantly, what the research tells us we can do about it as individuals, managers and as an organisation.

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Resilience: can the industry deliver when the chips are down?

  • Wed 11 Oct 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Simon Konsta, Clyde & Co.

In this IIL London Market lecture Simon Konsta outlined the legal, regulatory and cultural constraints faced by capital markets, the (re)insurance industry, governments and aid agencies as they seek to close the protection gap. His lecture also assessed the potential for new products to build resilience in markets exposed to natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change.

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Hanjin a year on: game changer or storm in a teacup?

  • Tue 10 Oct 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Marine & Energy
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Mike Roderick, Clyde & Co LLP

In this IIL marine & energy lecture Mike Roderick talked about the insurance issues relating to Hanjin's insolvency, how the shipping and insurance markets have reacted and what lessons can be learned for business going forward.

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The Insurance Distribution Directive - what are the proposed changes and how you can influence the FCA

  • Mon 09 Oct 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • The Insurance Hall
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

A two hour briefing presented by Branko Bjelobaba FCII (FCA Compliance Consultant).

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - what is changing and what you must do by 25 May 2018

  • Mon 09 Oct 9:00 am – 11:30 am
  • Financial Planning
  • The Insurance Hall
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

A two hour briefing presented by Branko Bjelobaba FCII (FCA Compliance Consultant and CII Accredited Advanced General Insurance Trainer).

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Dementia: how can we insure our futures?

  • Thu 05 Oct 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Sian Fisher ACII, Chartered Insurance Institute
    • Professor Diane Hanger, King's College, London

In this IIL London Market lecture Sian Fisher & Professor Diane Hanger talked about one of the largest challenges we face in society - the increasing number of people suffering from Dementia. As a nation, we are unprepared to deal with this issue.

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The fourth industrial revolution: the insurance implications

  • Wed 04 Oct 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Dame Inga Beale ACII, Lloyd's (President, CII)

In this IIL London Market lecture Inga talked about the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the insurance sector, including the rapidly changing risk landscape fuelled by globalisation and unprecedented technological advancements like artificial intelligence and the internet of things.

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AF5 Financial Planning Process Training

  • Wed 04 Oct 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Brooks Macdonald
    • Tom Ryan APFS, Astute Pensions

This event is now fully booked.

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So you want to be a CEO? Big boss; big brokerage

  • Mon 02 Oct 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
  • YMC event
  • The Aon Centre
    • Dominic Christian, Aon UK

In association with Aon.

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AF7 Training Day

  • Mon 02 Oct 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Brooks Macdonald
    • Tom Ryan APFS, Astute Pensions

This event is now fully booked.

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The InsurTech Conference London

  • Fri 22 Sep 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
  • Shoreditch Town Hall

The Market Minds InsurTech Conference is back for its second year and CII members can take advantage of a 20% discount!

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The Insurance Institute of London and those individuals who give lectures and/or produce papers under its auspices are mindful of the need for such material to be as complete and accurate as the occasion requires and permits. However, such material is not represented to be a full and authoritative statement of the law or practice relating to any of the issues covered and no liability for any error or omission or for any opinion expressed will be accepted by the speaker or writer, his or her employer or the Institute.