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Cyber witchcraft: Is cyber warfare based on deception?
In this IIL cyber and technology webinar, Anton Angione gives an overview of the historical context of the cyber threat landscape and the key threat actors. Cyber threats are evolving at a dizzying speed. This webinar aims to arm participants with a proactive cyber resilience mindset.
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Crude intentions: What dictates the price of oil and how does it affect industry?
In this IIL marine and energy webinar, Jake Hannath discusses the factors that dictate the price of oil and considers how this affects oil and gas industry activity and upstream oil and gas claims.
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Cyber risk accumulation: what does it mean?
In this IIL cyber webinar, Souki Chahid talks about cyber accumulations, the reasons why it matters, the challenges cyber players face while trying to quantify it and the potential tools and solutions to help cyber writers gain comfort with the risk.
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Visit to All Saints Church in Fleet - a historic property site
In this IIL educational visit to All Saints Church in Fleet, attendees can learn about insurance cover in the heritage sector while exploring a historic building which was restored in 2023.
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Cyber underwriting 2.0: Evolving risk and engineered opportunities for the London Market
In this IIL cyber & technology webinar, Gavin Lillywhite and Peter Armstrong talk through the evolving risk landscape, increased risk, and the opportunity to embrace improved cyber risk engineering and client solutions in the London Insurance Market.
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UK healthcare liability insurance: 3 hot topics for 2024
In this IIL casualty webinar, Will Marshall provides insurance professionals working with clients in the health and care sectors with insights into some of the key reforms and developments currently affecting these hugely important and rapidly evolving sectors. This presentation focuses on three specific areas where we are seeing particularly important changes: the new licensing scheme for aesthetic practitioners; the CQC’s new single assessment framework; and the clinical, legal and insurance implications of the continuing rapid growth of AI in healthcare.
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Effective time management – maximising your productivity
In this IIL interactive session, Mary Eniolu teaches you how to power up your productivity by making the most of your time to achieve your goals and amplify your results.
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The regulation of non-financial misconduct
In this IIL London Market webinar, Oliver Assersohn and Zeena Saleh talk about how non-financial misconduct is increasingly in the spotlight across all regulated sectors. The speakers outline what this means for professionals and in particular, the required standards of conduct and how to respond and react to an investigation and/or regulatory action.
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Future Leaders: 3-day Nature Summit in Scotland
Do you consider yourself a future leader of the insurance industry? The IIL YMC and Climate Pursuits are bringing together future insurance industry leaders in a one-of-its-kind summit on a private island and wilderness haven in Scotland to learn from local experts about nature risks and opportunities.
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Advising the families of children with special educational needs and disabilities
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Rhiannon Gogh shares her experiences of the unique financial planning needs of the carers of children with additional needs and how government work in this area can apply to the provision of advice.
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The Damages Claims Portal
In this IIL casualty webinar, Jonathan Head gives an overview of The Damages Claims Portal (DCP), its impact (particularly on their lawyers), and how they can best work with users to make the most of the digitisation of the Court process.
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FCA GI Consumer Duty and multi-occupancy update
In this comprehensive and interactive webinar, Branko Bjelobaba FCII gives an update on FCA GI Consumer Duty and multi-occupancy insurances.
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Reinsurance revival: fuelling innovation and resilience in the insurance industry
In this IIL reinsurance webinar, Matt Newman, Ruta Mikiskaite, Iryna Chekanava and Ian Bartholomew engage in a lively discussion about the important role that reinsurance can play in the innovation ecosystem.
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Remediation of building defects and fire engineering
In this IIL property webinar, Mario Lara Ledermann talks about how the investigation and the scope and outcomes of remediation of building defects are influenced by fire engineering.
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The sales mindset - how we can and should all be salespeople
In this IIL empowering webinar, Nick Thomas dispels many sales myths including the concept of the 'natural salesperson’ demonstrating that attitudes are often more important than attributes and that the skills we lack can be developed through the right kind of practice. It also explores attitudes to sales and reframes sales as a virtuous pursuit that brings potential value to clients. More than anything it examines why people fail to achieve sales outcomes - how they get in their own way, and how to remove these obstacles to supercharge sales performance.
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So you want to be a CEO? With Ken Norgrove
The YMC’s hugely popular 'So you want to be a CEO?' series returns for 2024 with a chance to meet Ken Norgrove, Chief Executive Officer of RSA Insurance UK & International.
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Discover the impact of second-hand trauma when dealing with distressing claims
In this IIL claims webinar, Bijal Fatania and Hursh Pratap Singh talk about the discovery of second-hand trauma when dealing with distressing claims, and most importantly, how improved support is required for the insurance industry.
View event detailsUnpaid carers: The hidden vulnerability crisis within your client bank - what can you do?
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Jacqueline Berry gives an overview of the extent of unpaid carers within a typical advice firm's client bank, what the additional needs of this group of clients are and practical actions firms can take as part of their approach to vulnerability.
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Visit to the Royal Courts of Justice and Rolls Building
In this IIL educational visit, attendees can explore the Royal Courts of Justice and the Rolls Building, renowned for its jurisdiction over insurance cases.
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A review of emerging contaminants of concern and how we might deal with them
In this IIL casualty webinar, Dr Jon Burton provides an overview of new and emerging contaminants of concern with respect to risks to health and the environment with a focus on persistent chemicals and microplastics.
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