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Overcoming imposter syndrome

  • Thu 07 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Professional Speaker Programme
  • Online event
    • Caroline Martin, Enabling Wings

In this IIL interactive webinar, Caroline Martin explores how we give ourselves and others positive reinforcement to overcome imposter syndrome and set up for success.

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Insuring the 'uninsurable': making a market for systemic risks

  • Tue 05 Mar 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • The Old Library, Lloyd's
    • Tom Clementi, Pool Re
    • Anthony Bice, Oliver Wyman

Join us in the Old Library at Lloyd’s to hear Tom Clementi and Anthony Bice discuss the attributes of systemic risk, how the UK has addressed catastrophic terrorism risk through public-private partnership, and how government and industry could work more closely together to build greater national resilience to cyber risk.

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Reinsurance renewals: A calm after the storm

  • Thu 29 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Reinsurance
  • Online event
    • Laurent Rousseau, Guy Carpenter

In this IIL reinsurance webinar, Laurent Rousseau provides a review of the 1st January 2024 reinsurance renewals, explaining how market conditions have evolved since the prior year, and sharing his expectations for the year ahead.

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Developing exposures for Directors and Officers

  • Wed 28 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • London Market
  • Online event
    • Michael Lea, Lockton Companies LLP

In this IIL London Market webinar, Mike Lea outlines the current state of the D&O insurance market and some of the developing regulation and legislation that companies and their boards will have to navigate during 2024.

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The test for breaking shipowner’s right to limit liability - a unified Interpretation

  • Tue 27 Feb 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
  • Marine & Energy
  • Online event
    • Daisy Roche, The International Group of P&I Clubs
    • Leyla Pearson, The International Chamber of Shipping

In this IIL marine and energy webinar, Daisy Roche and Leyla Pearson take the audience through the background of and the journey towards the development of the unified interpretation of the test for breaking a shipowner’s right to limit liability under International Maritime Organization (IMO) Conventions.

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Book Launch: BI Policy Wordings: Challenges Highlighted by Claims Experience - 2024 edition

  • Fri 23 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Research Study
  • Online event
    • Damian Glynn BA (Hons) FCA FCILA FUEDI ELAE FIFAA, Sedgwick International UK
    • Aruna Chandrapalan BSc (Econ) Hons, ACMA CGMA, ACILA, CFE, Sedgwick Singapore, Chair of the CILA BI SIG

At this launch of the 2024 edition of Business Interruption Policy Wordings: Challenges highlighted by claims experience, Study Leaders Damian Glynn and Aruna Chandrapalan examine the impact of Covid-19.

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The greening of existing buildings: the potential hazards of photovoltaic solar

  • Thu 22 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Property
  • Online event
    • Paul Carpenter, AIG

In this IIL property webinar, Paul Carpenter talks about the greening of existing buildings with rooftop photovoltaic (PV) solar arrays and the potential hazards these may introduce from a property risk management perspective.

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Aviation reinsurance

  • Tue 20 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • Online event
    • Monica Moldenhauer, Munich Re

In this IIL aviation & space webinar, Monica Moldenhauer talks about the fundamentals of aviation reinsurance and some of the challenges facing reinsurers in this sector.

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Understanding body language

  • Wed 14 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
  • Professional Speaker Programme
  • Online event
    • Samantha Ridgewell ACII, Empower Development

In this IIL presentation, Samantha Ridgewell helps you understand your body language, what affects it, how others might perceive it and how to use your body language in high-stakes situations and when presenting to support your messages and give them more impact.

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Looking at the past to look at the future: a journey into insurance history

  • Thu 08 Feb 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
  • YMC event
  • The Aon Centre
    • Reg Brown LLB FCII, Chartered Insurer, Insurance Museum
    • Howard Benge, Insurance Museum
    • Sarah Begley, OB Brand Consulting
    • Paul Miller, HFG Insurance Recruitment

Join the YMC for its first event of 2024 - an exploration of insurance's fascinating past and how it is shaping the direction of the industry into the future.

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Giving and receiving feedback effectively

  • Wed 07 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Professional Speaker Programme
  • Online event
    • Melissa Kidd, Motem Ltd

In this IIL interactive and practical webinar, Melissa Kidd provides some strategies and skills, tools, and techniques to ensure that feedback is given and received in a way that gets the message across while maintaining the relationship.

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Net-Zero carbon emission: can the airline industry achieve this goal?

  • Tue 06 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • Online event
    • Mike Gadd, Bluebear
    • Steve Raynes, Airbus
    • Marko Bacic, RollsRoyce
    • Jacqueline Castle, Aerospace Technology Institute

In this IIL aviation webinar, a panel of experts discuss how airlines can achieve the industry’s goals for Net-Zero carbon emissions and how the aviation insurance industry can help them to achieve these goals.

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Introduction to subsea production systems

  • Thu 01 Feb 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Marine & Energy
  • Online event
    • Thomas Hunt, MatthewsDaniel

In this IIL marine and energy webinar, Thomas Hunt introduces subsea production systems, covering the interlinking components, claim examples and the issues operators face in undertaking repairs in offshore environments.

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Hard Talk: Handling client objections in tough market conditions

  • Wed 31 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Professional Speaker Programme
  • Online event
    • Jeff Heasman MABP, LL.B (Hons), LL.M, Insurance Upskill

In this IIL interactive and practical webinar, Jeff Heasman provides communication strategies that will enable you to communicate with clients in a way that keeps them onboard now and for the future.

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Rising U.S. damage awards

  • Wed 24 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Aviation & Space
  • Online event
    • Bart Banino, Condon & Forsyth LLP

In this IIL aviation webinar, Bart Banino discusses the increase in damage awards in the United States and some of the factors underpinning this trend.

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The risk evolution of automated storage

  • Tue 23 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Property
  • Online event
    • Allan Macpherson, FM Global

In this IIL property webinar, Allan Macpherson talks about the fire protection challenges facing the logistics industry posed by large automated storage and retrieval systems.

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Demystifying battery energy storage systems

  • Thu 18 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Property
  • Online event
    • Dr Tom Harries, Nardac

In this IIL property webinar, Tom Harris explains how technology, digitalisation, and lessons learnt from past losses have led to fewer batteries exploding and entering thermal runaway.

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Overcoming cultural challenges for remote working

  • Thu 11 Jan 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Inclusion & Diversity
  • Online event
    • Laura Edwards, Wakam

In this IIL inclusion and diversity webinar, Laura Edwards speaks about how to overcome the challenges of remote working, including how to ensure a transversal corporate culture, a feeling of belonging and an engaged/efficient workforce.

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YMC Webinar - A dangerous decade: the insurance industry's mission to stay relevant

  • Mon 11 Dec 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • YMC event
  • Online event
    • George Beattie, CFC

Join this YMC webinar for a horizon-scan of emerging technology risk trends and explore how insurance can play a key role in understanding and mitigating new risks.

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Delivering tax and financial planning alpha post autumn statement

  • Tue 05 Dec 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Financial Planning
  • Online event
    • Tony Wickenden, Technical Connection

In this IIL financial planning webinar, Tony Wickenden talks about the latest (and potential future) developments in personal taxation in the UK and its impact on financial planning decision making. Particular focus will be placed on the accumulation, decumulation and transfer stages of the wealth management process underpinning successful intergenerational planning.

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The Insurance Institute of London and those individuals who give lectures and/or produce papers under its auspices are mindful of the need for such material to be as complete and accurate as the occasion requires and permits. However, such material is not represented to be a full and authoritative statement of the law or practice relating to any of the issues covered and no liability for any error or omission or for any opinion expressed will be accepted by the speaker or writer, his or her employer or the Institute.