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The new reinsurance broker landscape
Join us in the Old Library at Lloyd's for a reinsurance seminar where an expert panel formed by Vicky Carter, Robert Bisset, Krista Bonneau, Jim Lye and Mark Geoghegan offer differing perspectives on the new reinsurance broker landscape, now that so-called 'challenger' brokers have had a chance to scale and differentiate.
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MO5 Insurance Law
In this IIL webinar, Emma Ackers helps you to improve your prior knowledge of insurance principles, such as contract law, agency, subrogation, and contribution to develop a deeper understanding of them from a legislative viewpoint. It explores the English legal system, the law of torts and relevant case laws.
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The new world of pension allowances
In this IIL financial planning webinar, Claire Trott explains that the abolition of the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) hasn’t seen the end of limits on pension benefits, just a change in the way they are tested and taxed. In this session, you can learn more about the conversion from one to the other and what this means for yourself and your clients.
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Severe convective storms: come hail or high water
In this IIL property webinar, Daniel Schreiber discusses severe convective storms (SCS), hurricanes, and recent weather events. He also talks about some notable losses and where he and fellow meteorologists see future trends.
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Financial stress and mental health
In this IIL webinar, Jay Unwin explores the relationship between financial stress and health, providing attendees with practical tools to help them combat financial stress, and stay well.
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Visit to Mansion House
In this IIL educational visit, attendees have an opportunity to visit Mansion House, a historical and cultural landmark of the City of London and the residence of the City’s Lord Mayor.
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YMC Webinar: Crafting & Drafting Clarity in Policy Wordings
This YMC webinar will outline the importance of carefully drafting policy wordings and mid-term endorsements, and what can go wrong with seemingly insignificant changes if not drafted with clarity in order to achieve contract certainty.
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YMC LinkedIn & personal branding workshop: Get started, feel confident & get results
Do you want to navigate LinkedIn with confidence? Are you keen to build a network and a personal brand within the industry? If so, this session is for you!
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We’re under attack - taking practical steps to protect your business from a cyber attack
In this IIL financial planning webinar Daniel Williams talks about data integrity, and the growing risk of cyber-crime in the financial services industry before exploring ways to help keep your business and clients safe.
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What they don’t tell you about unconscious bias in the workplace
In this IIL inclusion and diversity webinar, Buki Mosaku cracks the code for calling out unconscious bias in the workplace and equips staff, people managers and leaders with toolkits, skills and strategies that show them: what to do, how to think, what to say, when to say it and the way to say it, so that we can organically fast track increases in representation of minorities/marginalised groups in senior and high profile roles and put career-stifling and conflict-generating bias behind us once and for all.
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7 top tips on how to be more efficient when studying for professional qualifications
This practical and interactive webinar is perfect for candidates studying towards professional qualifications with either an exam or coursework element. With often limited, or sometimes no tutor support, it is extremely difficult to balance home, work and study.
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Managing third party supply chain cyber risk
In this IIL cyber webinar, Cameron Carr, Neil Hare-Brown and Andrea Garcia-Beltran identify the most important cyber risks posed by third-party suppliers to your client’s organisation, the likely impacts and policy response by reference to recent loss events, the breadth of cover as perceived by underwriters and brokers, any anticipated changes in the near future and how clients can mitigate the risk to protect themselves and avoid the events leading to policy notifications.
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YMC Webinar - Insurance for digital assets and blockchain technologies
Join this YMC webinar for a horizon-scan of emerging technology risk trends and explore how insurance can play a key role in understanding and mitigating new risks.
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Exploring the journey to Fellowship
Join this webinar by the Insurance Institute of London’s Student Engagement Committee to explore the journey to FCII.
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Visit to The O2
In this IIL educational visit, attendees can explore behind-the-scenes of the O2 and learn how the security and risk management of a large entertainment venue works without having a detrimental impact on the customer experience.
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A quick overview of the history of insurance in London
In this IIL London Market webinar, Howard Benge looks at the history of insurance in London and why we need an insurance museum today, what stories it is going to tell, and who it will engage with.
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Ethics of AI
In this IIL London Market webinar, Dr Artur Niemczewski discusses the Ethics of AI and in particular ethical considerations when using AI in insurance and the expectations of insurance professionals using it.
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Visit to Lloyd's (June 2024)
A one-hour visit to the internationally renowned Lloyd's building to provide an introduction to Lloyd's and how the Lloyd's market works.
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Resilience and agility: the science of mindset and limiting beliefs
In this IIL webinar, Tom Flatau provides an overview of how to grow your resilience and help develop an effective working mindset, focusing on resilience and agility.
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YMC Career Conversations: Moving on up
Join the YMC for an in-person panel discussion exploring how to navigate conversations around your career development.
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