FCA: Meet the enforcer, the defender and the trainer

Tuesday, 02 July 2019
9:00 am – 12:30 pm (UK time)
    • John King, Independent Non-Executive Director, A-Plan Group
    • Tina Lakhani, Senior Associate Solicitor, Irwin Mitchell
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII, Senior Consultant on FCA Compliance & CII Accredited Advanced General Insurance Trainer, Branko Limited
  • Financial Planning

It has been more than 10 years since the banking crisis and the start of the recession. This new half day IIL seminar for CII members who work for FCA regulated firms will ask 'What did we learn?'

Has company culture changed enough to alter behaviour? Has our profession regained public trust? Is differential pricing for new customers ever justifiable? Will new moves to 'name and shame' poor value products boost public confidence or enhance distrust? Is 'whistleblowing' working? Are you ready for SMCR? How will the conduct rules impact your staff? Policing the business - hear from someone who has just spent 16 years at the FCA in charge of 5,000 GI firms and a lawyer who specialises in defending prosecutions by bodies such as the FCA.

By the end of this event delegate will have gained an insight into:

  • Current topics of concern to the FCA - culture, pricing, customers' best interests, value measures and due diligence
  • Current enforcement issues
  • The New Senior Managers regime, Certification requirements and Conduct Rules that will apply to all relevant staff

This session will include presentations from:

John King who has spent the last 16 years at the FCA/FSA. John will speak about the FCA’s mission, the harm in financial services and that underlying everything, firms should have customers' interests at the heart of their business. He will relate this to the current issues of interest and what firms should be doing about them. This will include culture, which is a key driver in firm's behaviour, differential pricing, whereby existing customers are charged more than new customers, the requirement under the Insurance Distribution Directive to act in the customers' best interests, the proposed value measures as an indicator of poor value products, due diligence on insurers and whistleblowing plus any relevant items from the FCA Business Plan for 2019/20 due to be published in April.

Tina Lakhani has wide experience in defending large and complex criminal or regulatory investigations or prosecutions by bodies such as the FCA, SFO and HMRC. FCA Enforcement Update. Tina will cover topical issues such as: The 'diagnostic approach, current enforcement caseload, recent tribunal and Regulatory Decisions Committee decisions, the new settlement regime for liability and penalties and protecting a firm's reputation under investigation.

Branko Bjelobaba will take delegates through the Senior Managers and Certification Regime that becomes law on 9 December 2019 and will outline what firms will need to do. He will highlight what needs to happen with Statements of Responsibility and who could become Certified and how the Conduct Rules will apply to all staff. He will also explain how all this will happen and what action firms will need to take in readiness for the new regime.

In addition to the three presentations there will be an extended group Q&A session that will take questions on the three topics presented plus anything else troubling you to do with FCA.

Feedback from the previous session:

"Very knowledgeable speakers

Expert, clarity and engagement were key strengths; Insightful seminar; Engaging discussions and presentation style - very informative but explained clearly; Very useful output in terms of slides and how to implement SMCR

Openness of debate and real life case studies."

Session Rates:

  • CII/PFS member: £250 + VAT
  • Non-members: £350 + VAT

Speaker Bios:

John King

John King has recently joined A-Plan Group as an Independent Non-Executive Director and has 30 years of financial services experience and spent 16 years at the FCA/FSA in front line supervision. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant and worked for PwC in their Bermuda office auditing the insurance and offshore financial services industry and then joined Willis UK. In 2002 he moved to the FSA supervising large general insurers and then managed the regional insurance brokers team from 2005. During the financial crisis he moved internally to supervise hedge funds and investment banks and in 2013 returned to GI managing the thematic team and publishing reports on conflicts of interest, claims and price comparison websites. His final role at the FCA was managing the Retail Insurance Intermediary Supervision team (with responsibility for over 5,000 firms) where he built relationships with their senior management and worked closely with BIBA, CII, MGAA, PRA, FOS, FSCS, HMT, EIOPA and overseas regulators. He successfully delivered significant FCA engagement with firms via Live & Local.

Tina Lakhani

Tina is a Senior Associate Solicitor at Irwin Mitchell and specialises in representing individuals and companies subject to criminal or regulatory investigation, principally in relation to serious financial fraud. She defends prosecutions by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), as well as individuals facing confiscation, restraint and civil recovery of the proceeds of crime. She has represented clients in cases of insider dealing on numerous occasions including the first cross-jurisdiction prosecution of insider dealing by the FCA and several clients facing enforcement action from the FCA.

Branko Bjelobaba FCII, Senior Consultant on FCA Compliance & CII Accredited Advanced General Insurance Trainer, Branko Limited

Branko Bjelobaba has worked for 31 years across the sector and latterly at PwC and GISC and has led his own consultancy practice for 15 years. He works closely with BIBA (and has published their compliance manual since 2004) and the CII and has provided many well-received training events throughout the UK. He was recipient of the London Market People Award for Legal and Compliance in 2017.


Please contact info@branko.org.uk (0800 619 6619) with any queries.

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CII Accredited

This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.

3 hours' CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.

It is recommended that you keep any evidence of the CPD activity you have completed and upload copies to the recording tool as the CII may ask to see this if your record is selected for review. Details of the scheme can be viewed online at www.cii.co.uk/cpd.