
CII launches Strategic Manifesto - A Roadmap to 2021

Tue 1 Nov. 2016

The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) today launched its new Strategic Manifesto, which sets out a roadmap for the next five years on how it will modernize and work the profession to build public trust.

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Jonathan Clark ACII awarded President's Award 2016

Mon 26 Sep. 2016

Dominic Christian’s final act as President of the Insurance Institute of London was to present the President’s Award to a member who had made an outstanding contribution to the workings and / or enhanced the Institute’s image in the market and beyond. So it was with great pleasure that he announced that the winner of the President’s Award 2016 was Jonathan Clark ACII.

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Russell Higginbotham FCII announced as IIL President for 2016-17

Mon 26 Sep. 2016

Russell Higginbotham FCII Global Head of Life & Health Products for Swiss Re, has been appointed as the new President of the Insurance Institute of London (IIL) for 2016-17 at the AGM today.

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Insurance profession joins global gender equality intiative

Mon 5 Sep. 2016

Today, insurance became the first profession to sign up to the UN Women's global HeForShe initiative.

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Meet the A-Team and discover the keys to their success

Fri 20 May 2016

The Insurance Institute of London's Young Members' Committee, in association with AIG and RSA, held another of its popular Educational & Networking Programme events to an audience in The Insurance Hall on 18 May 2016.

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The Insurance Charities Awareness Week 2016 will take place from 20-24 June

Fri 25 Mar. 2016

The purpose of the week is to increase awareness within the insurance industry of the essential work the Insurance Charities do. #ICAW

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