Thu 28 Sep. 2023
Qualification Mentoring Scheme - 2024 intake

Studying towards your Advanced Diploma in Insurance (ACII) or Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning (APFS)? Recently qualified and keen to help others achieve the same? The IIL Qualification Mentoring Scheme is now open for applications to join the 2024 intake.
Studying can be a lonely and confusing experience. Some find the array of subjects confusing when it comes to deciding the order in which to take them. Others find the step up from Certificate to Diploma level bigger than they were expecting, and members can also struggle due to a lack of employer support.
Perhaps you have reached a stage in your career when you would like to put something back into your professional community. Volunteering as a Buddy Mentor is a real, practical way of doing so.
This scheme aims to motivate Mentees via a peer group, led by a Buddy Mentor - someone who has recently qualified themselves, so has fresh first-hand experience of the challenges faced.
Further details can be found in the QMS brochure along with application forms for mentors and mentees. Please state your area of business on your application form so you can be allocated to either a general insurance or financial planning mentoring team. Participants must be members of the Insurance Institute of London and committed for a three-year period.
Please contact Flora Simpson with any queries.
The closing date for applications is 22 January 2024.