Thu 5 Jan. 2023
Are you an expert on the insurance of crypto assets?

If you are an expert on crypto-asset insurance, then the Insurance Institute of London would like you to get in touch. We are about to start research for a new book on the subject and form a team of volunteer authors to participate in this exciting project. Led by Peter Wedge FCII, Reinsurance Contracts Counsel, Swiss Re, in his spare time outside of work, the team of volunteer (unpaid) authors will break the subject down into four sections: exposure, coverage, quantification of crypto risk and pre and post-loss risk management.
Peter says, 'My highest priority is to find a keen underwriter and/or broker, but anyone else who works in this specific area of the industry would be useful too, including people with experience in claims, loss adjusting and risk management.' Peter also seeks someone to volunteer as the group secretary/project coordinator.
Seeing your name included on the list of contributing authors of a prestigious book is a proud and fulfilling moment in any career. It demonstrates your expertise and professionalism to your peers and clients.
If you are ready to put something back into your profession and want to learn more about the project, please email your professional CV or LinkedIn profile to by 31 January 2023.