Thu 24 Nov. 2022
Can you share your experiences with Risk Management and Insurance Students?

Our colleagues at the University of the West of England are looking for insurance practitioners to share their sector experience and market insight with MSc Risk Management and Insurance students.
There is no restriction on role or line of business because the University of the West of England aren’t seeking assistance to deliver the syllabus. With access to a diverse pool of practitioners, they hope to enrich the students’ academic experience by providing valuable insights into, for example, market knowledge and career choices.
The University of the West of England welcomes interest from volunteers based not only in the Southwest of England but nationally and internationally. Technology allows this engagement to be on-line, so there would be no requirement to visit the university campus.
This could be a rewarding way for you to give a little back to the profession.
If you are interested, please contact Dr Sabri Mohammad (programme leader) at