Fri 15 Sep. 2017
Want to get ahead?
Of course you do! You're a professional and you want to do a good job, and get recognised for it.
There is room for improvement in every business but it can be daunting knowing how to get started. here are some proven techniques you can use to tackle the issues you and your business face, big or small.
Try a different approach
Sometimes all you need to do is look at that problem a different way. Here are some ideas:
- Mentoring - a mentor can provide an outsider's perspective and share their experiences of tackling similar issues. They can be a great sounding board for ideas too
- Reverse mentoring - less experienced staff often bring different views and skills and can help bridge the gap between generations in the workforce and client base
- Action learning - small sets work with a facilitator to tackle problems and also learn new skills to help achieve positive outcomes
- Inclusive communications -we all give subtle clues to how we experience the world, tune in and make feedback more meaningful
- How to use questions - to get the best out of individuals, you need to ask the right questions. Find out how
- Ways to inspire diverse thinking - encourage networking internally and externally and encourage sponsorship of risking talent
Click each bullet point above to find out more!
The CII produces a great rage of booklets packed with ideas to help you in your career. Please visit for more information.