Fri 2 Aug. 2019


As we hopefully head towards a balmy August and perhaps a home Ashes victory to compliment the World Cup,time for a review of the past month (and look forward)

July has seen Alan Chandler deliver a very effective session on SME/HR changes and finished with a superb and thought provoking Mental Health Awareness event by Kay Morgan. This was the first of a trilogy of Mental Health events we will be putting on and full credit to our New Gen team for taking the initiative in running with the subject.

August and September events are out there with more to come. Our August Breakfast event already has 80 delegates...record?

My own charity fund raising is coming along as I attempt 2000 miles for 2000 members. Little bit under in July with just the Gloucester 10k done so with combined training and races, Run Keeper tells me I did 320 miles in this 1st quarter so need to up the ante in August..

Elise and I went across to my charity Cheltenham Animal Shelter for the first of many visits. Obviously there were some "Ah Bless" moments but we have some partnership details to announce for members AND some volunteer external projects to get stuck into for council members and members generally. Details to follow. Look forward to working with Pete, Erika, Alison and the team.

Congratulations to all our members who were nominated in the 1st Women In Insurance awards. We look forward to hearing of your progress.

2020 Dinner arrangements are well in hand and guest speaker secured. A huge name and all will be gradually revealed over social media in coming days....Some terrific sponsorship incentives will also be released in August.

New Gen have arranged a Summer Market Drinks night on Friday 16th August and will be great to see as many people as possible at Dr Fosters,Gloucester Quays from 5pm onwards.

2 links if I may to bear in mind please being my charity link and the forthcoming events link where all events can be viewed and booked.

Have a great holiday month and from all the committee members thankyou for the support and keep it coming
