Previous events

All previous events

Mental Health Reboot; Coffee, Connection & Calm Session Two

  • Fri 12 Jun 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Sarah Myerscough, Insurance Professional
    • Zoe Flint, Wellbeing Consultant

‘The Mental Health Reboot’ is your opportunity to: 1. Develop positive psychology techniques to help with anxiety, stress and low mood. 2. Meet and build relationships with new people. 3. Benefit from incredibly powerful guided meditations with a trained expert.

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Mental Health Reboot; Coffee, Connection & Calm Session One

  • Fri 05 Jun 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Sarah Myerscough, Insurance Professional
    • Zoe Flint, Wellbeing Consultant

‘The Mental Health Reboot’ is your opportunity to: 1. Develop positive psychology techniques to help with anxiety, stress and low mood. 2. Meet and build relationships with new people. 3. Benefit from incredibly powerful guided meditations with a trained expert.

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WEBINAR - Lessons from an Olympian on Maintaining Performance Through Adversity

  • Wed 03 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Join us on Wednesday 3rd June at 12pm for an interactive webinar with Ben Hunt-Davis MBE of Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? For the 1 hour webinar focused on practical tips and advice from an Olympian on how to build a performance mindset through adversity.

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WEBINAR: Personal Injury Claims - Where Next

  • Thu 28 May 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Bernard Thornton, Insurance Trainer

This presentation looks at the background to the current market for injury claims and how it will be affected by the CLA. It predicts the likely consequences for insurers, intermediaries, claimants and the insuring public and takes into account other topical and disrupting factors in the Motor market such as Ogden, general claims inflation and now the dramatic onset of Covid-19.

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Stress in the Insurance Industry: Lessons from the top

  • Wed 20 May 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    • Zoe Flint, Work.Live.Thrive

AXA’s 2018 Stress Index has revealed that those working in accounting and financial services are amongst the most stressed employees in the UK. This interactive, fun workshop will share the latest industry specific evidence where you will learn: • The 6 key causes of stress in insurance • 5 key strategies for reducing stress • 3 immediate stress busters

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WEBINAR: A plain English explanation of how to answer the most common question of the moment: 'does my BI policy cover Covid-19?'

  • Thu 23 Apr 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Insurance Trainer

Alan Chandler, who is well known to our members having delivered a number of well received presentations, will be presenting a thirty minute simple to understand presentation on what so many policyholders are asking, which is 'does my Business interruption policy cover Covid-19?'.

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AGM 2020

  • Tue 21 Apr 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

We need you! (To get down to our AGM, that is...) Your council invites you to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting of The Insurance Institute of Cambridge. Hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members.

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WEBINAR: Connected & Autonomous vehicles and the Future of Mobility

  • Tue 14 Apr 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
    • David WIlliams, AXA Insurance

The webinar session will update delegates on developments in the progress of Connected & Autonomous vehicles and the Future of Mobility. It will outline some of learnings from the Government backed consortia, look at the ongoing government consultation and how it may impact the regulatory timetable. We will touch on the wider implications of European restrictions and opportunities. Data will be a key area going forward and we will look at the issues in that regards, together with the wider work carried out by Thatcham and the ABI ADIG (Autonomous Driving Group). It will also look at the potential impact on insurance risks and products in a future of connected and autonomous vehicles and speculate as to how quickly we will see these vehicles on UK roads. There will be a brief overview of recent developments of Mobility as a service, integrated transport solutions, and other relevant areas.

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Establishing a compliant culture in the workplace

  • Tue 10 Mar 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Karen Malin, The GI Consultant

Karen Malin will explore how to approach and adopt a compliance culture in the workplace, including the most effective ways of implementing best practice, being able to recognise a good and a bad culture and knowing what to expect from the regulators. This talk is relevant for both CII and PFS members.

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Anglia Market Forum

  • Mon 24 Feb 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
  • Rowley Mile Racecourse

Join us for the regional event of the year!

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Directors and officers insurance in a plain English nutshell

  • Tue 14 Jan 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

Alan will briefly explain the history of D&O and explain how the market place is changing, including the fact that many more directors are being sued individually coupled with the fact that the amount of HSE prosecutions have trebled against individual directors since 2015

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Annual Dinner 2019

  • Fri 13 Dec 6:00 pm – 1:00 am
  • Kings College, Cambridge

Save the date for our Annual dinner to be held in the Great Hall at King's College, Cambridge on Friday 13th December 2019.

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PFS Workshop: RO2 Revision (PM)

  • Thu 28 Nov 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • The Marriott Hotel, Huntingdon

Do you need help passing the RO2 exam? This workshop covers Investment Principles and Risk.

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PFS Workshop: RO1 Revision (AM)

  • Thu 28 Nov 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • The Marriott Hotel, Huntingdon

Do you need help passing the RO1 exam? This workshop covers Financial services, regulation and ethics.

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A Better understand of flood risk

  • Tue 12 Nov 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Nicholas West & Martin McDermid, Flood Consult

The threat and implications of flooding remains one of the single most challenging areas for the UK insurance market to continue to deal with 365 days a year. This seminar looks at the different types of flooding, flood modelling, flood risk assessment and flood resistance and resilience measures.

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Donoghue v Stevenson: what the law textbooks didn´t tell you!

  • Tue 15 Oct 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Jeff Heasman

Donoghue v Stevenson is one of the most celebrated cases in legal history and is often just affectionately referred to as the case of the snail and the ginger beer. This seminar looks behind the scenes by referring to some of the original court papers and documents such as Mrs Donoghue’s medical records. Was there ever a snail in the bottle of ginger beer? Why did Mrs Donoghue not report the incident at the time? This seminar aims to shed a new light on this famous case and to look at it from a very different, and at times, controversial angle.

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CII & BIBA Anglia Knowledge Forum

  • Thu 26 Sep 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • The Møller Centre, Cambridge

The fourth of these annual events in the Anglia region to engage with members over the major issues impacting our industry today. This year BIBA and the CII join forces to reach out to more individuals and firms, all who are facing the same issues in a fast-paced world with ever changing risks. Our 2019 Anglia forum includes a huge amount of up to date and relevant information for those in the insurance industry and will provide 4 hours of structured CPD with certificates e-mailed out after the event.

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Tales of Right and Wrong

  • Tue 10 Sep 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Roger Flaxman, Flaxmans

This talk will discuss real case examples of things that go right and go wrong in delivering insurance products and services to the public, both for the consumer and for businesses. The talk will address both the FOS and the Courts’ benchmarks of expectation of insurance companies, agents and brokers and how lessons learned can go to the heart of re-gaining the public’s trust in the industry.

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Punting and Prosecco

  • Thu 05 Sep 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Cambridge Punting Company

Fancy punting and prosecco for a fiver? If you do, then we have the perfect event of you. Come along to our punting and prosecco evening along the beautiful River Cam on Thursday 5th September 2019.

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Making Yourself Memorable

  • Tue 09 Jul 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Melissa Kidd, Motem

Our lead-generating ability is directly correlated to the way we describe our proposition in conversation. Given its importance, it is rarely given the attention it deserves by technical professionals. This can mean opportunities are missed as people don’t remember what we do or why we’re different.

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