Previous events

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Mental toughness to grow

  • Tue 11 Jun 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Caroline Robinson, Sandler Training

Its no secret that mental strength is a key driver of performance, affecting our ability to go the distance or pick ourselves up from challenges. Research has shown that its an area that we can improve on if we work at it, so let’s review practical strategies and tactics that we can use to further enhance our mental toughness

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Cyber 101: A crash course on the intersection of cybersecurity

  • Tue 14 May 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Aaron Yates, Berea Associates Ltd / Cyber AMI

This session presents a unique cross-section of cyber and its wider effects across the insurance and risk management industries. The session is built on the bespoke knowledge assembled by Berea, a company working with insurers, brokers, risk managers and small businesses, with the mission of “Making Cybersecurity Simple”

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AGM 2019

  • Tue 23 Apr 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Quy Mill Hotel, Cambridge

We need you! (To get down to our AGM, that is...) Your council invites you to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting of The Insurance Institute of Cambridge. Hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members.

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Influencing Skills

  • Tue 09 Apr 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Adrian Nash, Radius 360 Ltd

The aim of this workshop is to help others to make the right decision, knowing what to do and say in order to create a positive impact.

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Anglia Market Forum 2019

  • Mon 25 Mar 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
  • Rowley Mile Racecourse

Join us at Anglia's 2019 Market Forum

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Brexit - The impact on the insurance industry

  • Wed 13 Mar 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Morgan Nash, DAC Beachcroft

This session is aimed at Brokers, Underwriters, Claims and Risk Managers working across the Insurance Industry who would like an update on the Brexit plans and what potential impact this could have on the insurance industry.

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Vulnerable Customers

  • Tue 12 Feb 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Alan Chandler

Alan Chandler, Chartered Insurer, who is widely regarded as one of the top insurance trainers in the UK will look at how firms have been treating customers unfairly including some disturbing case studies. The presentation will include how the FCA define vulnerable customer, the measures all firms are expected to put in place and how the requirements on all firms are changing to make sure the most vulnerable are protected going forward.

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Driverless cars – The future of road transport and the implications for insurance (1)

  • Tue 08 Jan 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • David Williams, AXA Insurance

The session will cover the Government backed consortia, look at the ongoing government consultation and how it may impact the regulatory timetable, and the wider implications of European restrictions / opportunities. Other key areas covered will be data and wider work carried out by Thatcham and the ABI.

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Annual Dinner 2018

  • Fri 07 Dec 6:00 pm – 1:00 am
  • Kings College, Cambridge

Annual dinner to be held in the Great Hall at King's College, Cambridge on Friday 7th December 2018.

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Escape of Water - Making a splash in the market place

  • Wed 31 Oct 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Martin Ashfield, AXA Insurance

Escape of Water has presented itself as probably the most impactful and significant issue in Property claims over the last 5 years. With the increase in average cost seemingly becoming an annual norm, it has become a market wide issue with a number of Insurers citing it as a negative factor in their company results. This seminar will examine the contributing factors and look at ways in which they can be addressed.

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BIBA/CII Anglia Knowledge Day

  • Thu 04 Oct 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
  • Imperial War Museum

The third of these annual events in the Anglia region to engage with members over the major issues impacting our industry today. This year BIBA and the CII join forces to reach out to more individuals and firms, all who are facing the same issues in a fast-paced world with ever changing risks. Our 2018 Anglia forum includes a huge amount of up to date and relevant information for those in the insurance industry and will provide 4 hours of structured CPD with certificates e-mailed out after the event

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The Future of Commercial Insurance Broking (1)

  • Tue 25 Sep 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Holiday Inn Cambridge
    • Laura Smith, Konsileo

The aim of this session is to highlight the value of brokers in the value chain along with potential methods for brokers to future-proof their career and improve client relationships even further than traditional methods commonly used today.

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Punting with The President

  • Thu 06 Sep 6:00 pm – 12:00 pm
  • Quayside Punting Station

Come and meet the President of your local institute and meet other local institute members on Thursday 6th September 2018 when we go 'Punting with The President' on the River Cam.

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AGM 2018

  • Tue 24 Apr 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Quy Mill Hotel, Cambridge

Hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members.

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Diversity and inclusion

  • Tue 27 Mar 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Quy Mill Hotel, Cambridge
    • Sue Chittock, Aviva

Investigate why we should bother with diversity and inclusion; how we can promote and inclusive workplace; and what we can do to promote inclusive leadership

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CANCELLED: Anglia Market Forum 2018

  • Tue 27 Feb 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
  • Rowley Mile Racecourse

Please note that this event has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions

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Memory Skills

  • Tue 06 Feb 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Quy Mill Hotel, Cambridge
    • Adrian Nash / Bryan Shaw, Radius 360

The aim of this one hour session is to increase confidence in your ability to recall information, to light up parts of the brain and increase your RAM.

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Ogden Tables (discount rate changes on Personal Injury claims)

  • Tue 16 Jan 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Quy Mill Hotel, Cambridge
    • Alan Chandler

This presentation is a must for anyone working within the general insurance industry as it covers arguably the most important topic to hit the industry in over ten years. The Ogden table changes will cost the UK insurance industry over £7 billion in a one-off adjustment and in excess of £2 billion per annum thereafter. Rates will rise by between 10-20% on a lot of classes of business, especially after the renewal of reinsurance treaties because reinsurance premiums are expected to double. It is essential brokers can explain the premium hikes to their clients and this presentation will enable them to achieve this, as well as providing underwriters and claims staff with a clear understanding of how their roles will be affected. The presentation is aimed at all levels and will be pitched to give a clear understanding for all.

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Annual Dinner 2017

  • Fri 08 Dec 6:00 pm – 1:00 am
  • Kings College, Cambridge

Annual dinner to be held in the Great Hall at King's College, Cambridge

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Hacking - the new "STING"

  • Tue 14 Nov 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Quy Mill Hotel, Cambridge
    • Steve McLaughlin, Steve Mac Media

Hacking is a very real threat for businesses of all sizes: cybercrime is estimated to cost business more than £21bn a year. You wouldn't leave your car unlocked. Yet we do with our most important business assets all the time - whether it's compromising data through unlocked computers or open files accessible to un-vetted contractors. Professional hackers use seven steps, some of which terrorists use to get to know an organisation. Understanding these, training your staff on how they can be hacked, is the best way to defend yourself.

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